Goodbye again

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Firstly I know I've been slacking on updates and I'm really sorry but school is pretty hectic and ever night I have had at least 3 hours of homework, along with trying to write songs for my band ect. Thank you for sticking with me and continuing to read my story even when the updates have been well lets face it, crap. 

Ellie's pov

"Would you like to go out sometime?" Harry asked

I hesitated for a moment but a little voice inside my head was telling me to go for it.

"I'd love to," I beamed.

Harry let out  a deep breath that he seemed to have been holding for a while.

"Thank goodness, I thought you were going to say no 'cos it took you so long," He admitted.

"Sorry, I was just-" I began

"Hey its fine babe, I was just messing around," He smiled.

I swiftly pulled of my phone and tapped in my password '2242' before opening up an internet browser.

Once I had opened up Google, I searched for a hotel for me to stay in until I could find a flat.

I searched and searched but everything seemed so expensive, over £300 per night and with me not having a job and the only money I had was going towards uni.

"You okay babe?" Harry asked in a concearned way.

"Yeah," I said slowly.

"Oh it's just- you- you seem a little..." He paused for a while "Distant," He finshed.

"Sorry, I'm looking for a hotel to stay in for a week or so," I answered.

"Why?" He questioned.

"'cos I'm homeless as of about an hour ago," I stated.

"I mean why because you can stay at mine for as long as you need, I have a spare room and bathroom for you," He smiled.

"That's really kind of you," I said thankfully.

"Well, I'm not too sure how to say this Ellie but, I really like you," He blushed.

"I like you too," I grinned as we looked into eachothers eyes.

This felt strange, not right, but I went along with it.

He leant towards me with his eyes closed, I resisted the urge to pull away as his soft lips pressed against mine.

Our lips moved together in sync and once we pulled away I couldn't help feeling ashamed of myself.


Today is the 1st of December and I'm still living with Harry, we aren't officially 'Boyfriend and Girlfriend' yet though.

I don't see Harry about too much at the moment as he is busy working as he is on tour with his band.

You may know his band as 'One Direction' (A/N I know I said it wasn't Harry from One Direction but I've decided to change it as it goes better with my plan for the story.)

Harry will be back in a few days so I've decided that I should try my best to find a flat for Christmas, it's not fair on Harry to put up with me for this long.

As far as Uni has been confirmed I've been accepted into Leeds University and I'm going to study fashion and art along with a little photography which is my little hobby.

I start uni on the 2nd of January so I supose my best bet would be to get a house is Leeds, I've never been away from both Mum and Dad before, I've always been with one of them so I'm a little nervous.

I'm waiting to recieve my weekly letter from Harry today, he writes to me when he is on tour to keep me not feeling as lonely, he is a lovely lad.

The postman seemed to like keeping me in suspense today, its currently 11am and still, no post.

To pass the time I turned on the tv and watched 'This Morning', Keith Lemon was doing a segment on water slides which I found pretty entertaining in December.

Then the coming up after the break adverts began so I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

You see I seem to be turning into an adult slowly, yesterday I signed for my very first parcel and I went to a bar and ordered my own wine!

Being 18 is great, I just have to learn to drive and I will be a proper adult.

Once my tea was ready I returned to the grey sofa and hugged a pillow for comfort as the adverts finished.

"And now we are joined by Olympic sensation TOM DALEY!" Holly sang happily.

I sat there motionless.

"So Tom lets get the personal questions out of the way, are you single?" Philip asked.

"I am," Tom said bluntly.

"So I'm sure many girls would like to know, what is the youngest you would date," Holly said.

"Well I always say that age is just a number so age really doesn't matter as long as the person is mature," Tom smiled.

I knew him too well, that wasn't his smile, it was his fake smile.

"OKay so after the break we will be taking twitter questions from Tom so send them in to @thismorning for your chance to get your question answered by Tom himself, see you in a few minutes," Phillip said.

The break began and I felt my phone buzz.

"You watching this morning?" from an unknown number

"Who is this?" I replied.

"Your worst nightmare," They replied.

"Ok?" I put back, starting to feel nervous.

"You hurt Tom and you are going to pay, sleep with one eye open, I'm warning you!" They texted

"Tom cheated on me, he isn't the innocent guy you know!" I said truthfully.

"Well you are a fat ugly slag, stay away from Harry too, stop trying to date famous guys to get in the papers, by the way, Harry is cheating on you with a blonde"  This person replied.

I stopped it there, Fat, ugly and a slag huh?

I ran over to the mirror and took a long stare at myself, who was I kidding.

Harry and Tom were too good for me I was fat, ugly and an attention seeker wasn't I?

Before Tom I didn't have a tendancy of running away but this time I felt it was nessassary.

I packed my bags, got in a cab, and headded for leeds...

Hope you like this chapter, can I get 160 fans before the next update? also can you share my story on twitter? tag @horan_gang and I will follow you and give you a shoutout to nearly 10,000 people also tell me your wattpad name and you will get a shoutout in the next part. I would love to get to 100,000 reads before Christmas, it would be the best gift ever. Thanks again for staying with me through everything, love you guys. Stay beautiful xx

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