To far ?

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I know I said I would next update when I hit 2000 reads but I had to upload this in honour of Tom and his bronze medal. Congratulations Tom I'm so proud of you and Proud to be British right now. Lets see what story Tom is going to do about his cheating girlfriend ....

Tom's pov

I had never been cheated on before so I didn't quite know how to react. 

I just decided to give Emily her phone back and I was about to confront her about it when there was a knock at the door signalling that the amblulence had arrived.

I let them in and lead them to Ellie's room where Ellie was lying.

Ellie was concious now because of the smelling salts but she looked pale and fragile.

"We are going to take her back in" Said one of the paramedics.

My heart sank

"Ok thank you I will visit the hospital in a little while I have training first" I said .

I left the house and so did Emily.

"I know what you're up to" I said before getting in my car and driving away.

I got to the pool and got changed before walking up the steps to the diving board.

I had so much agression built up inside of me that I pushed off hard and managed a perfect 4 and a half summer salt.

"Dive like that next week Tom and you will have a gold medal around your neck" My coach said.

I got dried off and got back into my car.

I drove as fast as I could over to the hospital.

"Ellie Wood" I said to the receptionist who took me to her room.

A doctor was sat with her checking her pulse.

"Ellie has been poisoned and its not food poisoning its a deliberate posin." He said calmly

My heart started to pound, someone out there wanted Ellie dead ?!

"We didn't give her anything but pure bottled water so its not our fault" The doctor continued.

"Do you have any idea of anyone who may of wanted to do this to her ?" He asked me.

"No but I gave Ellie my drink and my girlfriend gave me the drink, I have just found out she was cheating on me so maybe she tried to kill me ? " I said.

This was too much for me to handle so I burst into tears.

I saw Ellie was looking at me so I went over to her bed side.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault" I said feeling very guilty.

"No it isn't, its Emily's if she tried to poison you and you gave me your drink to be kind" Ellie said, making me feel a little better.

"She threatened me to stay away from you" Ellie said in hushed tones.

"Why would she do that ? " I asked.

"Because we are friends and she must of thought we were dating" I said blushing slightly.

"I need to finish it with her Ellie" I said.

I ran out of the hospital and jumped into my car.

I drove round to her house.

I didn't bother knocking and went straight into her living room to find her kissing another boy !

I cleared my throat and I walked over to her.

"We are over Emily, and by the way be expecting police knocking on your door for trying to poison me and Ellie." I said before walking out.

It felt amazing to do that and thanks to Ellie I had a reason to do it.

I returned to the hospital and Ellie was discharged once again and I had been instructed to stay with her for a few weeks whilst she recovered.

"You don't have to stay" She said.

"No but look what happened last time" I said.

she smiled before saying "Ok, thanks Tom"

I decided to seize the moment and drag Ellie over to the river near the hospital.

I took hold of her hand and looked deep in her eyes.

I started to lean in and as I did I closed my eyes.

My lips met hers and fireworks went shooting inside me.

Had I found the one ? 

 Sorry its short and kinda a filler chapter but I felt I NEEDED to post because of Tom's successful day. Please vote and fan. Comment if you want me to continue x

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