Chapter 54 : Labor!!!

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Isaac's POV

The whole drive to the hospital was consisted on Ve screaming in pain from the contractions. She said she's being having them all morning but kept it quite from Jordan so she could see us.

When we got there Ve was rushed in and Jordan went with her. Me, Bethany and Cierra went and waited in the waiting room.

After 5 minutes I went to go and get us all some Starbucks as there was one here. As I walked there I thought about Ve. She must be in so much pain right now and I wish I was with her but Jordan was the dad to that baby in the end.

When I got to Starbucks there wasn't a line so I ordered and got it pretty fast then I headed back to the girls.

~~1 hour later~~

Ve was still in labor somehow. I guess Sophie wasn't coming out. Then I got up and went to the toilet. On my way back I heard someone shouted "hey! Mate!" With an accent like Ve's so I turned around. It was Alex.

"What are you doing here?" I asked walking over to him. "I wanted to know how Ve is" he said which confused me to how he knew she was in here. "How do you know?" I asked wanting an answer. "Your sister put it on Instagram" he replied. For gods sake Cierra!

"She's fine, not like you'd care now leave!" I shouted walking back. "They should be mine!" He shouted then I stopped dead in my tracks. "Why? Why should they be yours?" I asked knowing he meant Ve and Sophie.

"Because Ve was the love of my life and I've always wanted a family with her, so did she. But one day she got pregnant" he told me. "Ve never said she'd been pregnant before! We asked her!" I shouted wanted to know, if he was telling the truth, why Ve kept it secret.

"She found out then when I went to the shops I forgot to lock the door and she ran off to the shop and got a test which was positive so then she got an abortion. When she came back I screamed at her we she'd been and she told me so I hurt her."

I went over and slapped him hard across the face. He didn't hit back. He just stood there and took it like he knew she deserved that. "Now stay the fuck away!" I warned him then walked off with my hand throbbing.

When I got to the girls they were both asleep and shortly I joined them.

~~~3 hours later~~~

"Guys!" I we were woken up being shaken by. I opened my eyes to see Jordan. "What's up bro?" I asked him. "Do you want to see your niece?" He asked and we all stood up and followed him into Ve's room.

Ve was sitting up in a bed holding Sophie. She had little blonde hair growing out her hair a bit but she was so small and cute.

"Hey guys" Ve said looking at us smiling. She looked really tired in her eyes and under her eyes was some smudged mascara not cleaned from were she must have been crying. Her cheeks were red and all her hair was tied back into a pony tail.

"So who wants to hold the baby?" She said and we all raised our hands. She giggled a bit and said "oldest first" as Cierra walked over.

"Oh hey there missy" Cierra said smiling like mad. I've never seen her so happy in my life. "I'm auntie Cierra or you can call me Sally" she said and we all laughed.

Then she past her onto Bethany. "Wait ginger! Be careful with my baby!" Ve said and we laughed. "Hey, I'm auntie Bethany but you call me ginger and I'll get the crowbar" Beth said then Sophie moved and her fingers got stuck in Beth's curly ginger hair. "Get the ginger off her!" Ve said laughing her head off.

Then finally I was pasted Sophie. I stared at her and smiled. "Hey kiddo, I'm uncle Isaac and I'm going to be here for you whenever your parents can't be" I said smiling. She made a little noise and we all went 'aww' and then giggled.

"Anyway guys, let my wife sleep!" Jordan said taking Sophie back and wanting us all to leave the room so we did.

Ve's POV

Everyone left the room expect Jordan. "I'm fine, I don't need to sleep" I lied as I wanted to see my child and talk to my husband. "Yes you do. You've been in labor for 5 hours, I think you do. I'm going to take these guys home and get clothing for Sophie then I'll be back in a few hours" he said then kissed my forehead.

"Ok then. I love you" I said. "I love you too" he replied then pressed his lips against mine. Then he left the room leaving me with the beeping machines and my sleeping new born baby. I can't believe she's 3 days early though.

I lay down and shut my eyes. "Aw she's so cute" I heard a familiar voice say. I shot my head up to see Alex over Sophie's cot. "What are you doing here?" I asked terrified.

"Well seeing as our last baby you killed in an abortion, I though maybe we should raise this one together" he said and I chuckled. "As if! This is mine and Jordan's baby" I said.

"But Ve I love you. More then Jordan ever can. Plus I'm rich and I can get Sophie everything she wants or needs" he said trying to bribe me. "Get lots!" I shouted then pressed the button for the nurses to come in.

"Now what did you do that for?" He asked as he pinned me down to the bed. "Get off me!" I shouted. "Why would I do that when we can have some fun?" He said pulling a gun out his pocket. "You move I kill the baby. You scream I kill the baby. Anyone who comes in I'll kill them" he informed me.

I nodded as people walked in the room and he aimed the gun at them and they all ran back out.

"Alex please, this isn't you" I said. "Oh you remind me of the first night we had sex" he said. "That wasn't sex, that was rape!" I spat at him. Then he put his arm on my neck. "I never raped you!" "Yes you did!"

"You think you know rape! Well I'll show you!" He said unzipping his pants. "No please!" I screamed. "Did you just scream?" He said aiming the gun at Sophie. "No! No! No!"

"Good" he said then put the gun down and started kissing my neck. Then I grabbed the gun at shot the door and screamed for help then threw the gun on the floor.

"Bye Veronica love you" he said then started kissing me then ran out the window. Then police barged in. "Mrs Frye?" A doctor came over to me. I stared at the ceiling with tears running down my face.

"Mrs Frye?! Are you hurt?!" He asked and I shook my head then Jordan ran in and hugged me. "Ve? Are you alright?" I started crying into his shoulder and he held me closer.

I shook my head into his shoulder. "I'll keep you safe. I'll look after you because I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said through my tears.

A/N Hey guys!! So Sophie Mary Frye is born!! Plus Alex!!! Ohhhh! He's on the run now from the police as he was going to harm Ve but clammed he 'loves' her. I don't know! My minds strange okay?! Anyway stories nearly over soon! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

The Unthinkable Life (a sequel to The Unexpected Life)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ