Chapter 38 : Break in !!!

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Cierra's POV

I was woken up by the sound of a window breaking and I'm certain it's ours. I wish Isaac was here or Jordan as they'd know what to do. Suddenly I heard Bethany scream. I ran downstairs to see a brick on the floor next to her. There was a note on it that read,

Give me back what's mine or someone will hurt the pregnant one!

I have no idea who sent this but I know who ever it was had something to do with Isaac's crash and they'd hurt Ve. I was about to tell Jordan when I remembered I haven't been outside in weeks. I opened the door and smiled as I completely forgot what outside was like. I was about to leave when Jordan ran down.

"What...happened?" He said out of breath. He saw Beth crying with the brick next to her then took the note from me. He ripped the note and threw it on the floor. "Who do you think it is?" I asked. "I don't know but who ever it is will pay!" He said angry. Then he walked out and slammed then door. Within minutes the police came and boarded up the window. They said a team would come out tomorrow to question us and get someone to fix the window.

Ve's POV

I was woken by the front door slamming. I got up and heard people shouting down the road. Suddenly I heard the front door open. I was scared and didn't know were Jordan was. "Ve! Ve!!" Jordan screamed coming into the house. I ran down and he hugged me. "Jordan what's up?" "Someone threw a brink at the other house and I heard Bethany scream. There was a note on the brick which said 'give me back what's mine or someone will hurt the pregnant one' which must be about you" he said. I could hear the worry in his voice when he said it.

I was thinking who this could be when it's obvious it's to do with Isaac getting hit by that car but what does the person want. Suddenly I heard a noise from upstairs. "Jord? Did you hear that?" I asked worried. He pulled away and said "yeah."

He walked up the stairs and I was behind him. Then the window shut. Jordan ran up and check then he said "Ve there's no one here but I think there was." Then I noticed a note on the bedside table,

Ve I'm coming back for you!

I was shaking and tears were falling down my cheeks and landing on the paper. Who?! Why?! I dropped the paper and couldn't stop shaking. Suddenly two arms went around me. "Ve it's ok" Jordan said and I put my head in his chest. He stroked my hair and said "it's alright. I promise you."

A/N Hey guys! So who's the note off?!?! Who wants Ve back?! You'll have to wait! I'm sorry with the lack of chapters but I have a bit of writers block but I'll still try and update as deannathecool won't leave me alone until I update! Anyway follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye or @Kayl.Furl! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote or a comment and I'll see you next time!

The Unthinkable Life (a sequel to The Unexpected Life)Where stories live. Discover now