Chapter 48 : First scan !!!

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1 week later

I woke up at 8am and woke Jordan up. "Jord, it's the scan today so get up!" I shouted at him while I got up. Our appointment was at 9am and it was a 5 minute drive but we're going to pop into Starbucks for food first. I put a pair of black jeans on with my VeVe top. I grabbed my VenturianTale jacket and noticed Jordan was dressed.

We jumped into the car and drove to the hospital. When we got there we still had 45 minutes so we went into the Starbucks there and got hot chocolates. "I can't wait!" Jordan said exited. "I know, we can finally see our baby!" Then we sat down and drank. After we drank we went into the shop next door and Jordan picked up two Alvin teddies. I laughed and took a picture of him. (The picture is above even though Isaac actually took it!)

We headed down to were I'm getting my scan and sat down next to Jordan. "Mr and Mrs Frye?" A woman in her late 30s came out and shouted. We stood up then Jord grabbed my hand. We walked into the room and I saw the bed were I get the scan.

I lay down with Jordan on my right and the nurse on my left. "So Veronica, I'm going to need you to lift up your top so we can put the gel on" so I lifted my top up. "Now this will be cold" she said as she put the gel on my stomach. I held Jordan's hand and stared at him. He smiled and I turned around to see on the screen our baby.

When we left the room I still had tears in my eyes. I stared at the photo of the baby and turned to Jord. "I can't believe that's ours!" I said. "I know!" Then he picked me up by my waist and kissed my cheek. Once we got back to the car we went straight to the others house to show them.

Isaac's POV

I was cuddling on the couch with Aria when there was a knock on the door. "Hi guys!" I heard Ve said. I sat up with Aria. "Hey Ve" I said. "Let me see the baby!!" Bethany shouted coming down the stairs. She looked over Ve's shoulder with Cierra. "Awwwww!" They both said at the same time. We all laughed.

I stared at Ve and thought about what if that was my child. Ve is just so beautiful and I know the baby will be too. I smiled to myself then Ve come over and hugged me and Aria. "Aw it's so cute!" Aria said. "Yeah, just like her mummy" I replied.

Aria's POV

Did Isaac just say that?! Did he just call Ve cute?! I mean I'm standing right her! What is it about them? I mean he's always really sweet and romantic to me but then Ve is around and it's like I'm not there anymore. I know he had feelings for her but she's with his brother now!

"I'm just going the bathroom" I said and went upstairs. On my way to the bathroom I stopped and stared at the picture of Jordan, Isaac, Cierra, Bethany and Ve. I looked at Ve and how perfect she is. She's so pretty. I mean she's married to a perfect man, she's pregnant and has a fan base. What makes it worse is that Isaac flirts with her when he sees her and it's right in my face.

I started crying and walked into the bathroom. I stared into the mirror. I wiped under my eyes to get rid of the tears. I want Ve to know how it feels to have your man flirt with someone else.

A/N Hey guys! So Ve and Jordan have had there first baby scan! Plus Aria is starting to get jealous of Isaac and Ve! And she's going to get Jordan to flirt with her!!! Shits gonna go down! I'm sorry pinkmajesticunicorn for making Aria bad like that but it all fits in! Now there will be a lot of skips now as I don't want it to go slow! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next year!

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