Chapter 42 : Alex's plan !!!!

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I woke up to water being thrown in my face. I opened my eyes and noticed my arms are tied to the chair behind me and my legs tied down. I looked up to see the monster that raped me last night. I stared into his eyes and saw all the memories of us. "Good morning" he said and I just stared at him. "Oh Ve don't be like that" he said as he placed one hand on the top of my leg. I stared shaking as I hated him touching me. He moved his hand up my leg and onto my side. Then I noticed that I did have clothes on. I had a black tank top on and denim shorts on. "Please let me go" I said quietly. He put his forehead against mine and whispered "no cause I don't want to loose you again."

I would love to know why he suddenly wants me back after he cheated on me and still hurts me. "Well why am I in a basement then?!" I spat at him. "That's only for our plan" he said smirking. "Which is?" I asked curious. "Well I get you then the man gets his daughter Aria back, Hayley has Jordan and the others get hurt or die then Brandon goes to London to get Deanna and hurts Joe and Caspar. We will all get what we want in the end" he said then smirked. I started to tear up. Jordan will get taken from me?! Cierra, Bethany and Isaac could die?! And Joe and Caspar?! De will be kidnapped?! "NO! You can't do this!" I screamed at Alex. He slapped my face and tied something around my mouth then said "tough luck!" I cried then felt tired. "Oh someone's tired" Alex said as my eyes started shutting. I really wanted to punch him right now but my eyes shut.

Few hours later

"Veronica" I slowly opened my eyes to hear my name being said. My face was slapped and my eyes opened wide and I saw Alex standing in front of me. "Do you want to speak to Jordan?" He asked. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not but I just nodded. Then he handed me my phone and held it in front of my mouth.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring

Jordan : Ve?!

Me : Jordan

Jordan : Oh god it's great to hear your voice and that your alive

Me : It's great to hear you too

Jordan : So where are you?

I looked at Alex to see if I could tell him and his head was shaking.

Me : I can't say

Jordan : Where are you?! Who's got you?!

Me : I can't say

I said crying my eyes out.

Jordan : Ve please tell me something

Me : I want to but I can't

I looked at Alex and he mouthed 'time to go.'

Me : Jordan I love you so much, bye

Jordan : Wait Ve! Please tell me wh-

Then it hung up. I put my head down and cried. I wish I could have spoke to him longer or where I was even. Then Alex crouched down in front of me and pulled my head up to face him. "I'm sorry but I don't want you to go back with him and I want you to stay with me" he said. He was sending me different messages like him hurting me but he 'loves' me.

He put his hands on my cheeks and then kissed me. I couldn't move away. Then he moved his hands to the back of my neck and pulled me closer. Suddenly the door opened. "Alex!" A man shouted then Alex shit himself and pulled back. He got up and said "what? I was just acting out our past!" I was so confused. I didn't know the voice of the man but I have a feeling I've heard it before. "Leave her alone" the man said. "I'm having fun Brandon!" Brandon?! Fuck Deanna's ex was here!

Then footsteps came over to me and Alex moved out the way. I saw Brandon walking over to me. "Do you remember me?" He said and I nodded. "Good, well seeing as I last saw you you got me arrested because I was going to 'rape' Deanna" he said. I wanted to slap him so much. "Well I don't want to miss my flight" he said then left. Is he getting a flight to London?! I need to warn Deanna!!

Jordan's POV

I haven't slept in hours and can't think. I just hope Ve is ok. I haven't spoke to the other since I left the other day. 3 day until Christmas and the whole family may not be here. I just want Ve back. Suddenly my phone rang with the ID, Ve! I picked up.

"Wait Ve! Please tell me where you are?!" But the phone had hung up. I screamed and cried. I've lost her again but I'm so glad to hear her voice and that's she's alive. I smiled a bit but then I still don't know were she is. Deanna might know.

Me : Hi Deanna

??? : Sorry this isn't Deanna, this is Dan

Me : Oh sorry

Dan : Do you want me to tell her you called?

Me : Yeah can you just say to her that Ve called Jordan and she's alive but he doesn't know where she is

Dan : Ok, I'll tell her when she's awake

Me : Thanks

Then he hung up. I wasn't sure what to do now. I ran down to the others house and used my spare key and shouted "guys! I have news on Ve!" They all ran in and Cierra said "yeah?!" "She's alive, she called me but I don't know where she is as I think she's held hostage" I said.

A/N Hey guys! So Ve got to speak to Jordan! Alex told her his plan! And Brandon is going on a plane, but where to?! So how would you like Alex's POV?! Please tell me if you do! Anyway follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye and @Kayl.Furl! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

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