Chapter 41 : Where am I ?!?!

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Ve's POV

Warning : Rape!!


Why?! Why did I come here?! I sat there with my arms and legs tied down to a chair. I should have went out with De and not have been round here were he could get me. I haven't ate in 12 hours and Alex won't be back for another hour. I wanted to get away from him, the punching, kicking, cutting, raping. I wanted away from the abuse but I was to scared to end it because I don't want him to hurt me even more.

The door opened and he was home. I thought of what to do. I could pretend to sleep as I've had hardly any sleep anyway as he was doing stuff to me last night. I couldn't even think about it without wanting to throw up. "Veronica" I heard Alex say as he walked into the room. I stared at him. "Do you want some food?" He asked me treating me like a dog or a baby. I nodded slowly and he went away then came back with a sandwich. He untied my hands and gave me it. After I ate it he untied my feet too.

I was shaking as I knew what his plan was. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet then he stood behind me with his arms around my waist. I was shaking like mad. "Oh baby don't be scared" he whispered in my ear. Tears fell down my face and I said "Alex...please let me go." "Why would I do that?" He whispered in my ear then chuckled. "Because Deanna will be worried about me" I said. "Oh don't worry about her I texted her on your phone saying 'De I'm going to be at Alex's for a week as he has time off next week' so she'll be fine on her own." The tears kept coming down my face. He walked me to the bedroom with his hands on my side. I walked backwards knowing what he would do. I walked into him and he whispered into my ear "oh baby don't be scared. I'm just having fun." I felt his hand on my ass and I tried to move it but he pushed my hand away.

I wanted the ground to swallow me up right now. "Well you know what to do" he said "ladies first." I stood there shaking and staring at the bed with my abusive boyfriend behind me. "Oh well maybe I should then" he said then he started pushing me towards the bed. I tried to stop so many times but he wouldn't let me then he just pushed me onto the bed face first. I got up and turned around and went to stand up but he pushed me back down. I watched as his hands went down to his jeans and he unzipped them. I look at his face with tears everywhere. "Now let's have some fun" he said.....

•••••end of flashback••••

"Veronica" I woke up to hear a familiar voice. I opened my eyes to see everything blurry and dark. Someone grabbed my face and I was facing them. The face was blurry so I didn't know who it was. "Did you miss me?" They said then my eyes focused on the person and I gasped to see Alex. "What..What are you-" he cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. "Shhh" he said and with his other hand he was stroking the side of my face. "You have no idea how much I missed you" he said "well last time I saw you was the other day but when we both last saw each other was when you tried to get me arrested on the beach last year then I saw you many times back in London when you left that thing. Then the other month I saw you two were engaged so I knocked his car then I saw you got married to that thing and now your pregnant!" He placed his hand on my stomach and I went to move it but then I noticed my hands and feet were tied down.

"I wanted to have some fun but this is stoping that" he said tightening his hand on my stomach. I started to cry. "Oh no" he said moving his hand from my stomach and wiped my eyes. I just wanted to get away from him but he follows me everywhere. He moved his hand from my mouth and I said "why am I here?" "Well I over heard this man in the bar talking about wanting to hurt the VenturianTale family so I dropped in the conversation and said that my ex lover was with them and I wanted her back so we formed a little team, me, Hayley, the man and Brandon." The name Brandon stuck. "Brandon? As in Deanna's ex?!" I asked worried and he nodded. I was shaking like mad.

"Anyway enough talking and let's have fun" he said smirking. He untied my hands and feet. He stood me up and I noticed I'm in some sort of basement. He walked me over to this metal table and said "sit there." I sat on it then he sat next to me. He held my hand tight and stared at me. I stared right back into his dark blue eyes and looked at the monster he was. Then suddenly he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled back then he said "we can do this the easy way or the hard way!" I tried to move away then he said "ok hard way then!" Then he grabbed my other hand and lay me down on the table. I screamed "GET OFF ME!!" Then he tied my hands down then he got off me and tied my feet down. I cried in fear. I knew what he was about to do to me.

He got on top of me and said "shhh don't cry. We haven't even started yet" wiping the tears away. Then he kissed my cheek and I tried to move my head away but he just pulled it back and held it. He kissed my cheek then down my neck to my chest. He stopped then unbuttoned my shirt, exposing my belly. He kept kissing from my chest down to my stomach then he stopped again. "Now for the action to being" he said chuckling. "No! Please stop!" I begged. He ignored me and then he pulled my pants down. I cried and wanted this to be over. He came back up and put his forehead against mine. "You want me to stop?" He whispered. I nodded and he said "well though!" Then he unzipped his pants and took them off. He laughed then put his forehead on mine again. "I wish you never left you know. I loved you and I never stopped" he whispered and I shut my eyes and cried. "Ve I don't wanna scare you. I just want you back" then he tied something around my mouth and I couldn't talk. Then suddenly a sharp pain went though me. I noticed what he did then and I cried with memories not just coming back but one happening or a new one starting. "I love you so much" he whispered in my ear before he started kissing my chest while the pain carried on.

A/N Hey guys! So I got 5 votes so I wrote one more chapter and a long one too! Sorry for the weird chapter but it fitted in to Alex kidnapping Ve and what he was doing to her! So do you Jordan will get to Ve before she's raped again?! You'll have to wait! Anyway follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye or @Kayl.Furl! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

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