Chapter 49 : Deanna !!!

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Ve's POV


I was woken up at 5am with a call. Who the fuck is calling?! I picked it up. "Hello" I said half asleep. "Ve? It's Joe" he said. Why would he be calling me? "Ok so why are calling me at this time in the morning here?" I asked. "It's Deanna" he said. I sat up. Shocked. What has she done? "What's up with her?" I asked scared to know the answer. "She hung herself" he said and I could hear him crying.

I started crying. My best friend hung herself! Is there anything else life can kill fore?! "But she's not dead, she's in a coma" he said. I sighed in relief, I mean yeah she's in a coma but at least she's not dead. "What happened?" I asked. "It's been going on the months" "What has?" "Her self-harm. Didn't you know?" He asked. "No" I replied. De had been self-harming all this time and didn't tell me. At least I know why she was so quite ages ago on the phone.

"She's been self-harming since you went missing. She hasn't stop, well I thought she had but she didn't. Tonight she didn't want to go out and told me to go without her. She must have wrote suicide notes to everyone before hand, including you. Then I went home to check on her and I saw her jump and..." he stopped and I heard him trying to breath "and she hung there. I panicked. I took the rope off and lay her down then called an ambulance. She's been here for an hour and they've just told us she's in a coma."

I gasped. Then Joe said he had to go to check on her again so he left. This all started again because of me, well more Alex but me. I cried. And cried. Until all the tears weren't there and it was just noise. She's in a coma because of me. Then I got a picture off Joe. It was her suicide note to me! (The picture above)

I read it and cried and tears came this time. "Hey, she'll be fine" someone said and put two arms around me. It was Jordan. I completely forgot where I was. "You heard it?" "Every bit of it" he said "and I know she will be fine." I hugged him tight. He was right about it, she will fight and wake up because De is strong.

~~~~end of flashback~~~

A week. It's been a fucking week now. Joe hasn't even told me anything else about De. Whenever I call him, he blanks it. I understand why, if De wakes up then he wants to be there but he could at least pick up one call or even text me. It's killing me not knowing. I fake it to Jordan. He thinks I'm alright and De but it's horrible this feeling.

I went into the bathroom and thought to get a shower to calm me down. After I had it I put a towel around myself and stared at the cupboard. I opened it to see the bag of razors that Jord tried to hide from me, little did he know I watched him.

I held it up to my wrist and sliced. It felt better. I sliced again and again and again until the sink was red. I put it on the side and cried. Why?! Why can't life be a bit nicer! I looked up and saw myself. Why would Jordan marry me? Look at me! I'm ugly, fat and not perfect at all. I wish I was sometimes. I just don't get why he married an ugly bitch like me. I screamed out loud. Someone knocked on the door "Ve? You okay in there?"

I panicked. Jordan will try to stop me like last week. He doesn't understand what I'm going threw though. "Yeah I'm fine. I just saw a spider" I lied. He walked away. I cleaned my arm and hid the razors back were they were. I left the bathroom and went into the bedroom. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" Jordan shouted behind me. I thought he was downstairs. I started crying. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout" he said and hugged me. "I just thought you would stop" "I was trying to but with Deanna attempting suicide it's not been easy" I said crying into his shoulder. "I know baby. I know" he said.

A/N Hey guys! So quite a dark chapter there! Ve self harms again! Deanna tried to commit suicide! And Ve blames herself! Dramaaaaaa!! So guys I would like you to tell me if your getting sick of this fanfic or anything because I don't want to drag it on and it getting boring! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

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