Chapter 28 : Kalanthony wedding !!

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After 5 hours of flying on the plane we finally got to L.A. Today we were just gonna spend the day exploring here as I had never been here but the Frye's had, when they were young and Jord was the only one who really remembered it.

We got in the taxi and went to our hotel. When we got their Joe was there and De ran and hugged him. We booked in and got our rooms,

Me and Jordan - 210

Cierra and Bethany - 211

Isaac and Aria - 212

Joe and Deanna - 209

We got in the lift and went to our rooms. Me and Jordan got to our room. It was huge. The walls were painted a creamy white color, the floor had a light brown carpet that was really soft. There was a huge king size bed, a TV, a couch and a en suite. I lay on the bed and Jordan joined me. I turned to face him to see him staring at me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He got on top of me and I laughed.

Isaac's POV

I heard Ve laugh and suddenly I started smiling. Aria walked in and said "Isaac are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" I said and hugged her. She went over to the mirror and brushed her long ginger hair out her face. She turned around and I stared into her beautiful brown eyes.

I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I put my arms around her waist and her tongue entered my mouth. Then we got interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

I opened the door to see a group of five girls in their early teens. They started screaming. "Oh my god! Its HomelessGoomba!" One shouted. "Its freaking Isaac Frye!" Another shouted. "We love you!" They screamed. I smiled and they took pictures with me then I watched as they knocked on Bethany and Cierra's door doing the same then again the same on Jordan and Ve's door. I laughed then shut the door.

Ve's POV

When Jordan shut the door after the fangirls he pushed me down back on the bed and put his hands ether side of my head then kissed both my cheeks. I giggled then he started tickling me. I started laughing and tried to say "Jordan...please...stop" while laughing.

He didn't seem to stop and my face hurt from laughing. He finally stopped and I sat up. He kissed my neck then there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it to see Joe and De. "We're going out for tea. Coming?" De said. "Yeah sure" I said. Me and Jordan got our shoes on and I grabbed my bag and we knocked on the others doors.

We went out to a restaurant not far from the hotel. We got a table of two fours that they pushed together to make an eight. I sat next to De and Jordan and opposite Cierra. Joe was opposite De, Isaac and Aria were next to each other next to Cierra and Bethany was next to Jordan making Isaac opposite him.

After we finished our meal we all headed out and went our own ways. Cierra and Bethany wanted to go back, Isaac and Aria wanted to wonder and so did Joe and Deanna so me and Jordan wondered.

We walked around for awhile until we came to an arcade. We went in and it reminded me when I was at Blackpool with my mum, dad and Sarah....


It was 4pm. We had been in Blackpool all day! My mum said we could go the arcade. My dad had ran back to the car with my three books. I know what your thinking, why buy books when you could get other stuff when your on a day out? I could but I live books. Me, my mum and Sarah went into the arcade and played on the 2p games. My mum had only finished her chemotherapy for a week now as she was finished until the radiotherapy starts. We were in the arcade for 2 hours until we went to McDonalds. Everything a 13 year old girl could eat when your out!

-----end of flashback----

Me and Jordan went back to the hotel about 10pm. We got into bed and exited for tomorrow.

Next day

Me, Jordan, Joe, Cierra, Deanna, Bethany, Isaac and Aria were on our way to the wedding. We saw Shane, Joey and other American YouTubers.

We sat in our seats. When Kalel came in we all stood up. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was up in a bun at the back and her dress was long with one arm strap. She walked to Anthony and then before I knew they were married!

That night we said bye to Kalanthony and that we will see them tomorrow. We went back to the hotel and got our bags then went to the airport. When we got there our plane was delayed for 10 minutes so it wasn't that bad.

Once we got home Jordan, Isaac and Joe joined the other guys for Jordan's stag night. Me and the girls sorted some things out then went to sleep.

I couldn't believe that tomorrow I marry THE Jordan Frye!

A/N Hey guys! Sorry there wasn't much of the wedding but I couldn't think but yet think Sunday will be MY wedding!!! Anyway follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

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