Chapter 43 : (Don't) find her !!!!

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Alex's POV

I followed Brandon out leavening Ve alone in the dark basement. "Brad, I don't want to do this much longer" I said "I still love her and it's hard trying to make her like me back when I'm forced to hurt her." "Oh your not hurting her, yet" he said walking away chuckling. "You know your not in charge!" I screamed at him. He stopped and turned to me and said "boss said I'm in charge while he watches Aria! Bosses rules! Now get back downstairs and convince Veronica that I've gone to London to get Deanna!" Then he walked upstairs to his room.

I sighed then went back to the door of the basement. "I'm sorry for this Ve" I whispered to myself then opened the door to see Ve sitting there tied to the chair and looking almost lifeless. She was pregnant and I didn't want to hurt her but bosses rules. I walked down the stairs and over to her. I crouched down in front of her and pulled her face to face me. I put both my hands on her cheeks. I kissed her forehead and said "baby, Brandon's gone. He's bring Deanna back with him so you'll have a friend." "No!" She spat at me "he better not touch De or-" "or what? You'll kill him? But you locked down here" I spat back at her. She started crying and I wanted to hug her.

All them years of me cheating and abusing her were different to now. They felt better but now they feel like nothing. Was it because of my job? Was that why I felt better about the pain? No Alex! She needs to be punished! I told myself and then I slapped her face and said "bitch don't cry." I hated doing this to her but regardless of what I do, she'll always see me as a monster!

Jordan's POV

I woke up and turned over to cuddle up to Ve. I leaned forward and fell off the bed. I opened my eyes fully and remembered that Ve wasn't here. I needed her back so much. My life isn't complete without her in it. I went downstairs and made some breakfast then sat at the table then just stared at the cereal. I couldn't do this without her. I started to cry and ran upstairs to the bathroom and unlocked the cabinet, I had to lock it as all the razors are in it and I didn't want Ve to get them. I grabbed the sharpest razor and moved my bed shorts out the way and put my hand on the scars on my legs from when Ve left. I held the razor to my leg and sliced. I cried as I watched the blood come out. I sliced again, about 5 times then my phone rang, Deanna. Shit! I wiped my eyes and calmed myself down then answered.

Me: hello deanna is that you

De: yeah its me, i got your message by the way.

Me: good

De: and. And i think i know who has her

Me: really who

De: i think its alex.

Me: wait her ex

De: yeah but he will more then likly have a gang with him, so please dont go find him.

Me:how could i not go find him, he has my wife.

De: jordan i know him, he talkes the things you love to hurt you. He more then likly has a plan because he knows you will come and find her and when you do he will try to kill you. Trust me hes like brandon, he will do anything.

Me: okay i wont try and find him but if you know anything please tell me. Bye De

De: bye jordan

She hung up so I grabbed a cloth and cleaned up all the mess I'd made. I went into the bedroom and changed into my FNAF top and black jeans, as my leg wasn't bleeding anymore. I didn't care what De said, I'm finding my wife! I went downstairs and put my trainers and VenturianTale hoodie. I got in the car and drove off to find Ve.

A/N Hey guys! So Jordan is self harming and ignoring Deanna to find Ve! Plus Alex's POV like you asked for! Also we almost have 6k reads!!! Ahhhhh!! That's insane guys! Thank you for all this! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

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