Chapter 31 : Halloween !!!

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After 4 days of relaxing and 'other things' we went home on the Saturday morning, which was Halloween. Me and Jordan were on the plane back to Ohio and I fell asleep on his shoulder.

"VeVe" I woke up to hear Jordan say. I moved my head and saw we were back in Ohio. Jordan started playing with my ring then kissed my hand. Once the plane landed we got off and got our bags. We walked out and got in a taxi back to the house.

When we got in we put something's away then I felt a bit sick. I ran into the bathroom and was sick. I had felt sick the last day or two now but I think it was just the cold or something. When I came out the bathroom I went into the bedroom and fell asleep.

I woke up three hours later and found out we are having a Halloween party at the Frye's. I was dressing up as Jimmy Casket so I put a cheep blue jacket on with some old jeans and covered them in fake blood then got a plastic knife and did the same. I put fake blood on the face and smudged eye liner under my eyes.

I was sick again and started to think about it clearly. Could I be pregnant? I texted Cierra if she could get me a test and 10 minutes later she came with one. After 5 minutes wait I picked it up and saw the answer.

I went to the Frye's for the party and saw Jordan. I went over to him and said "babe I need to tell you something in private" so we went upstairs into his old room, which is now Isaac and Aria's room. I shut the door and said as Jimmy Casket "you wanna know my secret?" "Yeah" Jordan said laughing.

"Stab-stab-stab I'm pregnant!"

A/N Hey guys! Left it on a cliffhanger!! So early update as I'm on holiday and got free WiFi so I thought to write it so that's why it's small. Anyway follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye or @Kayl.Furl! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

The Unthinkable Life (a sequel to The Unexpected Life)Where stories live. Discover now