Chapter 14 : Aria !!!

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Aria's POV

Its funny how I was just walking down the road then bumped into VeVe and yesterday meeting Isaac/HomelessGoomba. I was loving it. Veronica took me back to the Frye's and introduced me to everyone. "Hi I'm Aria" I said. "Hi. Well obviously you know our names" Cierra joked. I was literally dying inside from fangirling. I couldn't believe it at all.

''Aria can I speak to you please?" Isaac said. "Yeah" I said following him out to the back yard. He stood next to the tree and said "first welcome to the Frye house. And second why did you leave yesterday?" "I needed to get home or" I said not finishing and looking to the ground. "Or?" Isaac said. "Nothing" I said shaking my head.

-----flashback 3 years ago----

"Hey dad I'm back" I shouted walking though the front door. "And what time do you call this?!" He screamed "I said 5pm and its 5:30pm!" "It was only a few minutes" I said. "Get your lazy ass up here!" He screamed. I was scared but walked up the stairs slowly. Ever since my mum died he became stressed and angry all the time. I didn't have any siblings so he always took it out on me.

I got to his bedroom door and he said "Aria, would you explain why you were late to school? And why your back late?!" "I was late cause you were hung over and I was back late because I had detention" I said. He stood up and graped a bat. "Are we playing baseball?" I asked scared. "Nope" he said smirking before....

----end of flashback----

"Aria?" Isaac said snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Yeah?" "You okay?" "Yeah just thinking about the past" I said. I forgot how cute Isaac Frye is. I wanted to kiss him so bad but I didn't. We spoke for a while.

"Anyway I need to get home" I said. "Okay" he said. I smiled and he walked me to the door. "Goodbye" I said. "Bye" he said. I couldn't resist. I learned in and kissed his cheek. Then ran down the road home.

I got in smiling. "Where have you been?!" My dad shouted. "Sorry dad" I said looking down. "Father!" He screamed. "Sorry father" I said and he smirked. "Well?" He said. "Pardon?" "Where were you?!" He shouted down my ear. "I went out then met a YouTuber and-" "YOU AND YOUR FUCKING YOUTUBE!" Father screamed and slapped me "two whips for you later" he said then locked me in my room like always. I said on my old bed crying. I got the piece of wood off the floor and slid it across my wrist with the other cuts.

A/N Hey guys! So Aria has a dark background with an abusive dad, sorry father and a dead mother!!! I hope that you liked it! Anyway follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

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