Chapter 36 : Things change !!!!!

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Isaac's POV

Its dark and I can't see a fucking thing. I can hear people talking but I can't figure out what it is they're saying. I feel a hand touch mine and I guess it'd Aria as everyday the same hand is always there. I have no idea where I am but I guess I'm in hospital. I always think back to when I screamed at Aria and Ve to watch out then darkness which makes me think I may be in a coma.

But this hand felt different. I heard someone speak. "Hey Homeless how have you been?" Someone said. I realised that who ever it was is a fan. I could hear them cry and knew it was Ve. "Hey your ment to be the troll of the group and make us laugh not cry" she said laughing "Is, I just want you to wake up cause it's really boring without you around making really shit puns and jokes." I wish I could say something or do something so she knew I could hear her "just wake up Goomba" then she kissed my forehead and it felt like she left.

I had to say something now or I may never say it to her again! I tried to open my eyes. Didn't open. Trued again and they opened slowly. Everything was a blur but I could see a person walking to the door. "Ve?"

Ve's POV

I stopped walking and turned around to see Isaac awake. "Is?! Your awake!" I shouted and hugged him. Then Aria came in and said "babe your awake" and pushed me out the way to hug him. Rude I thought. She kissed his cheek and smiled hugging him tight. "I'll just get a nurse" I said walking out the room.

I got a nurse and she checked Isaac over and he was fine. We told Aria to go home for a few hours and get some rest. I was gonna go to as I need to help Joe to get De's memory back as she lost it when the lift fell and she broke most of her bones in her rib cage. I hated my life most the time. I was about to leave when Is said "Ve wait a second."

I walked over to his bed and said "yeah?" "I thought hard and long about this and I noticed that when I got hit by that car my whole life flashed before my eyes and I have only just realised what I want in life" he said. "Yeah? What's that?" I said. "I want-" "Hey Ve, you coming?" Jord said sticking his head round the corner. "Yeah" I said "Isaac you were saying?" "Oh its nothing" he said. I hugged him and kissed his forehead then left.

When I got back I wet upstairs and filmed a quick video with Jordan for an update on Isaac. After we did Jordan said "so what was Isaac talking about?" "Oh he was just talking about his whole life flashing before his eyes and how he wanted something but he said its nothing so I'm not sure" I said.

Later that night I called Joe.

Me : Hey Joe, how's De?

Joe : She's getting better but I have to remind her half the time that I'm her fiancé not just ThatcherJoe.

Me : She'll get better.

Then Caspar came into the room.

Casp : Joe, Deanna needs you.

Joe left the room then it was just me and Casp.

Casp : So..

Me : So...

Casp : How've you been?

Me : Great seeing as I'm married.

Casp : You know between us I still have feelings for you..

I was shocked that Caspar would tell me that. He knows I'm married as he was at the fucking wedding!


I hung up the Skype and cried to myself for a while until Jordan came in and said "Ve what's up?" "Didn't you just hear me?" "Yeah I did, just ignore Caspar okay?" I nodded my head and fell asleep.

A/N Hey guys! So Isaac's awake but what was he gonna tell Ve?! Only I know! Hahahaha!!! And Caspar still likes Ve!! Vaspar? Vaspar. No fuck that! No more Vaspar! So read DeannaTheCool's story sequel as it'll explain her memory lose in it and it'll make more sense! Anyway follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye or @Kayl.Furl! That is all for this time, if you enjoyed please leave vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

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