Chapter 47 : 2016 !!

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I woke up and remembered that it's the last day of 2015! I shook Jordan and said "babe, it's 1 in the afternoon." We didn't go to bed until late because we were watching Avengers : Age Of Ultron (which comes out May 2015😆) for the 100th but it's such a good film, plus we watched the first one, Avengers : Assemble. We're such huge nerds!

Jordan sat up and got out of bed. "What time did Cierra say they were coming around?" Jordan asked. "8pm" I replied while getting dressed. We agreed that Cierra, Bethany, Isaac and Aria would come around and we would set some fireworks off in the back garden. I put my black jeans on with my 'I'm not a psychopath! I'm just a high functioning fangirl!' top. I stared at my stomach and thought that I'm going to put so much weight on when this bump starts growing.

Suddenly two arms came around my waist. "I can't wait for next year" Jord said. "Oh yeah, why's that?" "Well I get to see my child" he said then he planted a kiss on my cheek. I turned around to him and said "this has been the best year of my life." We both started smiling then I put my hands on the back of his neck and we started kissing.

It was currently 7pm and Jordan and I were sitting on the couch talking about the baby. "So when's our first scan?" Jordan asked. "Next week" I said. I couldn't wait but at the same time I was scared as fuck. "Anyway we should change" I said as we stayed in our pjs all day.

I went up and put my little black dress. It went just before my knees and didn't have a v neck as I am very sensitive of my boobs being seen because of pregnancy they're not the size they use to be yet it will be worth it all. I put my black flats on and then I tied my hair half up and half down then I put my makeup on.

I looked the doorway and saw Jordan with a shirt and tie on with black pants. I walked over to him and put my hand on his chest and said "Jord, you look really handsome." I looked up at him and he kissed me. "Well you look beautiful like always" he said and I started blushing. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. They're here!

It was now 11:45 pm and we're all sitting on the couch playing monopoly. We were in teams of couples, well except Cierra and Beth but they went together. At 11:55 we finished and Isaac and Aria won!

We all went outside and Jordan set the fireworks up while Beth had her phone and counted down!






"Happy New Year!" We all shouted as they fireworks went off and then Jordan suddenly kissed me. Before he did I saw Isaac kiss Aria while Beth and Cierra hugged. When we pulled back we all watched the fireworks.

A/N Hey guys! So Happy New Year!!! 2015!! Sorry this is up before New Year but I'm at my boyfriends (not Alex! Someone else) and we're kissing at midnight so I updated early! Hope you don't mind! To be honest most of you might not see this until the next day so! Well I hope 2015 will be amazing for you all! Please comment and say what's your favourite thing from this year and what you can't wait for next year! My favourite moment was when Jordan notched me in the 1 million subs live stream and I can't wait for the Rixton album, Let The Road, to come out! That is all for this YEAR, if you've enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next YEAR!!

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