Chapter 7 : Where to live ?!?!

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Ve's POV

I woke up the middle of the night. I kept thinking about Casper. I shouldn't have snapped at him but I'm engaged to Jordan. I'm happy and I thought he was too. I sat up and rubed my eyes. It was 2am. Joe stayed last night and so did Jordan.

I looked down to Jordan and smiled. I never thought we'd get back together and never thought we'd get married! Well engaged for now. I remember him saying on the day we got engaged about were I'm gonna live. I don't know were to live. I can't move to Ohio because I need De but Joe needs her and Zoe needs her baby brother but then Alfie needs his girlfriend but then Casper needs Joe and Zoe then Louise needs Zoe but  Dan and Phil need Louise but then PJ and Chris need Dan and Phil! And it goes on forever but I can't expected Jordan to give up his whole family for me!


I lay back down and cuddled up to Jordan and fell back asleep.


I woke up to Jordan shaking me. "Ve wake up" he said softly. "Yeah?" I said still half asleep. "I have to leave today" he said and I shot up. "What?! No!" I said almost crying I hugged him and said "no you can't go!" I felt like my life was over for some reason. I hadn't decided were to live. "But I don't know were to live Jord" I said. He kissed my head and said "you have until 9pm tonight."

I got up and put the unrealised VenturianTale top Bethany gave me before I left and a pair of jegans. Jordan put the his clothes on and walked out the room. I heard talking to Joe.  "You need to look after her. She hasn't taken it easy the last year. Me and Deanna have had to stop her committing suicide many times so just look after her" Joe said. I heard Jordan gasp at the suicide thing. I felt bad for him hearing like that but it was his fault for it. Stop it Ve! He's your fiancé now!

"Jordan do you wanna film a video and announce us being together and being engaged?" I said him. "Yeah okay" he said. We got some breakfast then I sat on my bed to film while Jordan stood out the shot. "Greetings internet this is VeVe and I have an important message for everyone!" I said and Jordan came back into the shot "greetings fellow adventurers this is Venturian!" Jordan said. "Yep we are back together and with something even better" I said and held my hand up to the camera and pointed to my ring "we are engaged!!"

We filmed for awhile then finished. I edited it and uploaded it. Jordan had to go and sort his stuff in the hotel with the others. I looked on the video and saw comments,


"VT.Is.Awesome : Congrats! I hope u leave the past behind!"

"CuzImaBird : I hope u guyz r happy! :)"

"SaskiaLeigh : Happy to see ur living the dream xxx !!!"


"ImaBird : Jordan and u r together?! Why?! He cheated and u need better VeVe!!"

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