Chapter 16 : Look out !!!

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Jordan's POV (hours before)

"JUST FUCK OFF JORDAN! Please!" Ve screamed crying in the bathroom. I cried and walked off. I walked out and got in the car. I started the car and drove out the drive way.

I drove and thought. She thinks she had it bad when we broke up?! I thought well so did I! I had her fans hating on me cause of it plus just general hate! I kept driving then stared at my thigh. I think of all the cuts. All the self harm I did when she left me. I started self harming before we broke up, when she left to UK for a while. I hated it all.


I lay on my bed and wanted to get up. I needed to get up for food but wanted Ve. She's been gone for 11 weeks now. I really miss her. I got up and got breakfast. Isaac, Cierra and Bethany were downstairs. I lay on the couch. "Lazy ass!" Cierra said making them all laugh. "Hahaha" I said then got a pillow and threw it at her.

That night I was playing Mario Kart on the Wii U and got lonely. Without Ve I just felt alone. I got my coat, stuck my shoes on and left. I walked to the pub at the bottom of the road. I went in and had a few drinks. And there she was. Ve!

I walked over and kissed her and felt happy. She came home to me. We talked for ages then the rest was a bleh!

I woke up to my Twitter and Facebook buzzing every two seconds. I got up and looked on my phone. I put my hand over my mouth and didn't know what to do. Suddenly Skype made a noise. I answered it and it was Ve! I hope she doesn't know anything.

We spoke abit then her door knocked so she left. I didn't know what to do. I fell back asleep. I remembered something. I thought I saw Ve! It was Hayley! I cried and woke up to my phone ringing.

Ve found out. I lay in bed crying wishing I wasn't a dick! I was ment to love her not hurt her! She left me cause of Hayley. I got up and got the razor and slit my thigh. I saw why Ve did it. It felt better!

------end of flashback----

I cried while driving. I don't know where am I going or what to do but I needed air. I was hurting Ve or more like they were hurting her. I wanted to help her but she pushes me away. I kept driving then slowed down abit. Is that Alex?! I thought with Hayley?! I panicked and kept driving. They got in a car and drove behind me. I drove into a dead end. I tried to back up but they were there. They backed up and then darkness.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry such a late update but I just got home from camp and hadn't wrote a thing so sorry! Anyway what do you think happened?! So follow me on Instagram @Whovian_Frye!  That is all for this time if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time!

The Unthinkable Life (a sequel to The Unexpected Life)Where stories live. Discover now