Chapter one.

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Tobi's POV

We're the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time.

As a start, we went to the old turtle habitat, that is under construction, where John B balanced on the roof, Ky and Pope played with some of the tools the workers left at the soon to be house, Kie checks out the new inside, and I sat on the deck next to JJ.

"JB, how's the air up the-" I start.

"Did you just call him JB?" JJ asks cutting me off. JJ, he used to be my boy best friend, but then Kie and Pope joined the group so we all had to switch it up. People say that it should be this way since me and Pope grew so comfortable with each other in 2 months and I spent 2 years with JJ before that and we didn't get close at all. That's not true. Me and JJ were really close, but we were young and he liked me. At the time, I didn't like him, so it was a little uncomfortable. But now it's not really that weird.

"Yeah." I answer.

"What's next? You gonna call Pope PP?" JJ questions.

"No." Pope says defensively. Pope, my boy best friend. You know that iconic boy/girl duo.. yeah that's Ky and JJ. Pope and I are that iconic dumb/smart duo. Some people say I'm illiterate and grammatically incorrect. I believe those people. But me and Pope still read books together and we have a special music playlist just for the two of us and we lay all over each other and I get it, I get why people ask if he's my boyfriend, but he's not.

"JJ, be nice." Ky says. We look at each other and then at JJ and start laughing. "But seriously John B, come down before you get hurt." Ky, that's my best friend. She showed up at our house one day and we just always hung out after that. I've known her since I was like 3. Oh and my uncle kind of adopted her so that technically makes her my cousin but we don't count each other as cousins so she's not my cousin.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Pope says.

"Hm." John B says. He puts his finger in his mouth and sticks it in the air. "Should I do it?" John B, my twin. He's my brother so.. that should explain our relationship.

"Yeah, you should jump." Pope said. "I'll shoot you on the way down."

"You gonna shoot me?" John B asks making finger guns at Pope.

"Yep." Pope answers.

"Pew." John B says.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie says. Kie, my frenemy. Kie and Pope have been our friends since 5th grade. But Kie left us for our whole ninth grade year. She switched groups entirely and joined the enemies but came right back with a glow-up. Suddenly, all our boys fell for her. The boys we spent the last year with trying to get their minds off the fact that she was gone. I guess this is what happens when you spend all your time with each other. You become dependent.

"Of course they are. Why wouldn't they?" JJ asks.

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" Kie says.

"I can't have cold towels." JJ says.

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kie asks looking up at John B.

"Don't spill that beer." JJ said. "I'm not giving you another one."

"Whoa!" John B screams losing his balance. Ky turns her head as he almost falls, but instead he dropped the beer. "Oh, shit."

"Of course you did." JJ says.

"Smooth." Kie whispers.

"Right when I said don't. A-plus." JJ says.

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