Chapter twenty-one.

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"Everyone shut up! Tobi, you're my sister and we can't ever change that. Ky, you're my.. Ky. Kie, you are my best friend, right?" John B asks and Kie nods. "And Sarah, you're.. you're my.."

"Say it." Sarah says.

"You're my girlfriend." John B says.

"That's new." Pope says.

"She's your girlfriend, now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose." Kie says.

"You said you were using me?" Sarah asks.

"No." John B lies.

"Yeah, you did. You said those things." Pope says and everyone agrees.

"Okay, look, love just walked in, okay?" John B said. "I didn't expect it. It just- it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it. Right?"

"Oh! That's corny." Pope says faking vomiting.

"Aww, love? That's so cute." Ky says sarcastically. He gives her a look. "John B, what do you know about love? You're 16."

"Says the one that literally never had a boyfriend." John B says. She goes inside the house.

"Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out." Kie says.

"Kie, I'm not doing this." John B says.

"You are gonna decide." Kie says.

"I can't." John B says.

"I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?" Kie asks.

"Both." John B says. JJ whistles.

"Went for the Hail Mary." Pope says. Kie walks off the porch and down to the dock.

"Wow, John B. I cannot believe you right now." I say.

"Tee." John B says.

"You've been friends with Kie for 6 years now and you choose someone you spent three days with over her. Do you know how stupid that sounds?" I ask.

"Please, don't.." John B asks.

"You love her, John B?" I ask.

"Yes." John B answers.

"Then, I'm happy for you-." I say.

"Thanks, Tee." John B says.

"But I do not support it." I say.

"It'll be cool, right? They're not gonna get territorial? No name calling? I'm surprised your sister didn't smack me." Sarah says.

"I was thinking about it." I say.

"Tobi." John B says.

"I'm gonna leave." Sarah says getting up.

"Sarah, don't." John B says.

"Gonna let y'all chat. Let me know." Sarah says and she walks away. John B throws his head back and JJ stands up.

"I'd just like to say you handled that beautifully." JJ says.

"You told her we'd be cool with this? John B, do you listen to anything we say?" I ask.

"Tee, I-." John B says.

"You've known Ky for how long?" I ask.

"13 years." John B answers.

"Right, do you love her and Kie, too?" I ask.

"Not in the same way." John B says.

"But you still love them, right?" I ask.

"Yes." John B answers.

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