Chapter fifty-eight.

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"Dang, he got you good." I say cleaning the blood around the cut on Heyward's forehead. I take the rag and put it in the bucket. The blood on the rag expanded through the water fast. I drag my thumb across his forehead under the cut to get all the water off. "This is gonna sting."

"That's okay, Tobes." Heyward says. I take an alcohol pad and swiftly run it across the cut. He hisses.

"I need to know that you can take the pain before I really disinfect it." I say.

"I can take it." Heyward says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah." Heyward says. I put the one alcohol pad down and put another one over the cut before pressing it in making him hiss again. I press lightly at first and then a little harder. I get one more alcohol pad as I put the other one down. This time I dab the pad across the cut. "Ow."

"Okay, Sarah." I say. I move out of Sarah's way so she can put a bandaid over the cut. I grab the alcohol pads used and unused and the bucket of blood water and hand them off to Eli and Asher. Ky motions for them to turn around and she takes them inside to take care of that stuff.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you." Sarah says starting to put the bandaid on.

"You're doing fine." Heyward says.

"Okay." Sarah says. She pushes the bandaid onto his forehead and he winces.

"Thank you, darlings." Heyward says. I smile and stand next to Roark.

"Where'd you learn how to do that?" Roark asks.

"JJ gets into a lot of fights." I say.

"Pop, what happened?" Pope asks.

"Oh, I should've known better. He came in just as I was about to lock up. Caught me by surprise. Once he had me down, he put his knee in my chest, and he asked me about that- that- that key from that- that drawing you showed me. And in case you're wondering, I ain't tell him nothing. Now did you track it down?" Heyward asks. Pope pulls a key out of his pocket and hands it to his dad.

"I found it in Mee-maw's old apartment above the pharmacy just like you said." Pope says.

"Shit, boy, you should've gave this to me. I wouldn't have had to take a beating. What's the big deal? It ain't worth anything. Why they want it so bad?" Heyward asks.

"I don't know. First, I get this letter telling me that I need to go to Charleston. And then I meet a rich lady who wants me to give her a key that I didn't even know was in my family." Pope says.

"None of it makes any sense." Kie says.

"Well, don't y'all just sit here whining about it. Figure it out!" Heyward says.

"No. I'm just gonna give the key to that lady. It's not worth-" Pope says.

"No, no, no. Did I raise you to back down from a fight, boy?" Heyward asks.

"No, sir." Pope answers.

"Well, all right. Now, I- I didn't think about it before. I admit that. But now.." Heyward says and he points to his cut. "Now? I'm interested. Well, did they say why they wanted it?"

"Something about an old cross. I think it might be some kind of lost treasure." Pope says.

"You know who you should talk to? Your great-grandmother, Mee-maw." Heyward says.

~~~In the Twinkie~~~

"Guys, the thing that Limbrey said, I don't think she meant to let it slip. She said the key leads to the Cross of Santo Domingo." Pope says.

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