Chapter thirty-nine.

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"No, JJ. I'm telling you something is wrong." I say.

"How so?" JJ asks.

"She called me October." I say.

"That's your name." JJ says.

"And she has never called me that before. Seriously not even when she met me." I say.

"How would you know? You were three." JJ says.

"I was still Kit. I was always Kit. And I don't know if I'm Kit anymore." I said. "Plus she knows I hate my name."

"It's a beautiful name, B." JJ says.

"Yeah, but it's gross." I say.

"No, it's not." JJ says.

"Okay, wait. Before we go out there. How do I look?" I ask.

"B." JJ says.

"I think you look beautiful." Presley says.

"Thank you, Press." He walks out to the patio where everyone is sitting and I walk out behind him. "I need to know, JJ."

"Why does it matter?" JJ asks.

"What if I meet a nice Kook guy?" I ask.

"Then you give him a dollar and if he tells you he doesn't need it, he's the one." JJ says.

"For real?" I ask.

"No." JJ says.

"Hey, would you spend a million dollars on me?" I ask some other waiter.

"If I had it, maybe." He answers.

"Thank you." I say.

"Take a seat. I gotta start working." JJ says.

"I can't sit right now. I got too much on my mind." I say.

"Then take Presley for a walk around the place." JJ says.

"I'm not a dog." Presley says.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, Press." JJ says. JJ picks up a pitcher of water and he starts pouring glasses for people.

"You heard about what happened, right?" Some lady asks.

"I know he kidnapped her." Some guy says.

"Of course, it was a Pogue. What do you expect?" The lady asks. Some others start whispering.

"Of course, he killed the sheriff." Some guy says.

"At least, John B got what was coming to him." A familiar voice said. "You know, and it saved them the expense of the trial."

"Maybe I should've just stayed home." I say.

"You gotta come out sometime." JJ says.

"You say that now, but I can already hear the talk about the Routledge twins when I get put in jail for being a serial killer." I say.

"Keep your cool." JJ says.

"Right." I say. He starts pouring drinks at Topper's table.

"I'm just saying John B's going to hell for what he did to Sheriff Peterkin." The same voice says. That voice, Kook, Samara Jacobs. The Antichrist.

"Guys, they're still investigating." Topper says.

"Yeah, I don't know why. It's obvious who did it." Samara says.

"Yeah, exactly." Kelce says.

"There were multiple people shot that day." Lux says.

"You really think he shot his sister?" Another girl asks. Giselle Middleton. The bitchiest Kook of all.

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