Chapter sixty-three.

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"Hey, everyone is sleeping. What are you still doing out here?" I ask.

"Thinking." JJ answers. It goes silent. I dig in my pockets and pull out some change. All dimes.

"Dime for your thoughts?" I ask holding out a dime.

"Can I still take the dime if I don't tell you what I'm thinking?" JJ asks. I shake my head 'no'. He pats the couch next to him and I sit down. "Am I a bad person?"

"No, you've made some mistakes, but nothing bad enough to make you a bad person." I said. "Why are you asking?"

"I just feel like everything in my life hasn't been going well and it's been because of decisions I make." JJ says.

"You're just having a bad day. Think positive thoughts before bed, wake up, and give yourself words of encouragement and you'll have a better day tomorrow." I say.

"October." Roark says.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Come back to bed." Roark says.

"You go back to bed." I say.

"Come with me." Roark says.

"I'll be there in a minute." I say.

"Okay." Roark says. He turns around and trips a couple times.

"Oh." I say. I go over to him and help him back to my bed.

"I want you in here with me." Roark says.

"And he needs me out there with him." I say.

"Okay." Roark says. I go back out there to JJ.

"I'm sorry, B." JJ says.

"For what?" I ask.

"Tearing you away from him." JJ said. "You should go."

"It's okay, JJ. I don't have to be in there right now." I say.

"Yeah, you do." JJ says. I hug him and he hugs me back tightly. I wait for him to pull out of the hug to stand up.

"Sleep in your room tonight, J. It'll feel better than the couch." I say.

"Goodnight, B." He says.

"Goodnight, J." I say. I go back into my room.

"Careful, Presley crawled in here somewhere." Roark says.

"Okay." I say.

~~~The next morning~~~

"Good morning, Tobi!" Presley says just as I start to open my eyes.

"Good morning, Press." I say.

"Roark's on the couch." Presley says.

"Why?" I ask.

"He's waiting for JJ to get out of the bathroom." Presley says.

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