Chapter forty-two.

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"If it isn't little Miss Perfect mourning the loss of her murderer brother." Giselle says.

"Giselle, leave her alone." Ky says.

"And the trusty sidekick." Giselle says. I know what you're probably thinking. What is Giselle Middleton the Kook who sailed the world for the summer doing here at the Kildare County Public School and not the Kook Academy? Well, Giselle was in love with some boy back at the Kooks Secondary School. Which is just a fancy way of saying Middle School. He got into some trouble and she always took the blame. So when the Headmaster's car went up in flames burning half of the school down, that just finally got repaired by the way, she took the blame. She got expelled and sent to here, the place of misfits and "freaks", Kildare County Public School. That is part of the reason her parents go away every summer. So they don't have to deal with the haters talking about their little Giselle making it through another school year without burning the school down.

"Giselle, back off, okay." I say standing up.

"I wonder how Sarah felt. You know when your brother kidnapped her and sailed her right into the storm." Giselle says.

"That is not how it happened." I say.

"I guess we'll never know, though. You know because they're both dead." Giselle says. I jump on her knocking us both down to the ground and I start punching her in the face.

"Tobi. No." Kie says.


"Mr. Hale, I was so scared." Giselle says obviously fake crying.

"Here have some tissues, Giselle." Mr. Hale says sliding the box towards her.

"I mean, I could've died. She could've killed me, you know. It runs in her family." Giselle says.

"Ugh, see this is exactly why I attacked her in the first place. She is placing a bunch of disrespect on my dead brother and I will not tolerate it." I say.

"Ms. Routledge, there was no reason to attack Ms. Middleton." Mr. Hale says.

"Mr. Hale, she was disrespecting my brother! I lost it. This isn't the first time she said anything and she wouldn't even know the truth because the truth died the day of the storm. She wasn't even here all summer. She doesn't know what happened. Do you know how hard it is telling your brother to run away from his life, his home, and his family? I miss him so much. And all because some stupid Kook killed Sheriff Peterkin to protect his Daddy from the bad bad cop when she was locking him up for murdering my father. We couldn't find them, they say. And that is just how it was with my father." I cried. "I am sorry you got attacked, Giselle, but I'm not sorry for being the one who did it. I will never apologize for defending my brother to all of you ignorant people."

"That's enough, Ms. Routledge. Ms. Middleton, the nurse is outside the door waiting for you. Ms. Routledge here is a late pass. You may go back to class, you have detention on Saturday." Mr. Hale says he hands me a piece of paper.

"Thank you, Mr. Hale." I say. I walk out of his office and into the hallway.

"Hey, I saw what you did outside. Pretty badass if you ask me." Elias says.

"Um, okay." I say.

"Okay? That was awesome. Giselle Middleton is no joke. Why do you think she got kicked from the Kook Academy?" Elias asks.

"Aye yo. You found her." Asher says running over to me. He puts his arm around me. "Damn, you smell good." Elias and Asher. You may have heard these names before. And if you don't remember..

"I don't know. I mean none of the guys here are cute enough for me to even look at them." I say.

"He isn't bad looking." Ky says moving my head to look at one of the boys.

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