Chapter forty.

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"I'm sorry for flipping out on you like that and for flipping you off." Ky says.

"Ky, who was that boy, really?" I ask.

"My brother, um, only biologically, though." Ky said. "He sent me a letter a couple months back, but I just read it and burned it. It hurt to know that not only was I neglected and unwanted but I was the only one. They despised me because their "real" baby girl was miscarried."

"Ky." I say.

"I just wanna do something to take my mind off of it." Ky says.

"We're watching those videos if you wanna join us." I say.

"Okay." Ky says. We go back inside and JJ starts the video.

"You are da omly ome dat meeds to gnome. I'll keep you ny derry liddle screecret." Little me sings.

"You're what?" Ky asks.

"Dome tell amyome or you'll pe jus amoder regret." I sang. "Jus amoder regret. Hope dat you cam keep it. Ny derry liddle screecret. Who habs to gmone." JJ and Ky break out into laughter.

"Hey, remember where we're going?" Uncle T asks.

"A farn with cows and kitchems and horses." I answer. Ky and JJ start laughing harder.

"Can we sing the farm song?" Uncle T asks.

"Dere omes wubs a farner who habed a dog and Pingo wubs his mane-o." John B sings.

"No, the other one." Uncle T says.

"Oat Nid Domald habs a farm." I sing.

"E-I-E-I-O." John B sings.

"And on that farm, he has a chicken." Dad sings.

"E-I-E-I-O." John B sings.

"What sound does a chicken make?" Dad asks. Me and John B start clicking our tongues.

"With a.. and a.. ..there. Here a.. There a.. Everywhere a.." Uncle T sings and me and John B click our tongues to the beat at the pauses.

"Oat Nid Domald habs a farn." I sing.

"E-I-E-I-O." John B sings. The time skips to when we get to the farm. "Raise you to da parm."

"Okay." I say. Me and John B run up a rock path on a hill to the barn at the top.

"Who won?" Dad asks when he and Uncle T finally get up there with us.

"Mo, Daddy. We dome care apout who wims or loses. We were jus raisimg." I say.

"Okay, Sweet Pea. I'm sorry." Dad says.

"Whew. You're gonna have your hands full with that one." Uncle T says. Little me looks at Uncle T angrily and wags her finger at him. JJ starts laughing and shoves his head into my shoulder. I giggle a little.

"That tickles." I say.

"Hey, y'all." The farmer said. "I'm Tucker. You must be the Routledge group."

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