Chapter five.

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JJ puts a gun to Topper's head and cocks it.

"Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski." JJ says.

"Chill." Pope says.

"Stop, JJ! Put the gun down, JJ." Sarah yells.

"Did you say something, Princess?" JJ asks.

"Put the gun down." Sarah yells louder.

"Okay. We're good. We're good." Topper says. He lets go of John B and JJ takes the gun off his head.

"Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please?" Sarah asks.

"Okay, everyone, listen up. Get the hell off our side of the island." JJ says. He shoots the gun into the air twice.

"Hey, your boyfriend doesn't get to drown my brother and JJ comes out psycho." I say.

"He would've killed Topper." Sarah says.

"You honestly don't think Topper would've killed John B?" I ask.

"JJ started it. Topper just tried finishing it." Sarah says.

"Yeah, because he's a saint." I say sarcastically.

"And I guess that makes you Virgin Mary. Yeah, I know you had sex. You just can't admit it because he's a Kook." Sarah says. The Pogues gasp.

"What Rafe told you that or little Cameron?" I asked laughing. "If that's what they call sex then Rafe took my virginity a long time ago and we've done it a couple times since."

"You're a slut." Sarah says. I smack her across the face.

"And you're a bitch." I say as she runs away.

"You okay, B?" JJ asks.

"I'm fine." I say. JJ throws the gun in the sand and hugs me. "Please don't."

"Okay." He says letting go.

"Did you actually sleep with Rafe Cameron?" Kie asks.

"I cannot believe you just asked me that." I scoff pushing her away from me.

~~~The Château~~~

I lay in bed reading a book when I hear weird noises outside. Almost as if someone was kicking the side of the house. I pull my blanket up to my chest and something comes flying in the window. I immediately close my eyes and throw the blanket the rest of the way over my head.

"Please don't hurt me." I say.

"You real- ly are skittish, aren't you, Bubbles?" JJ asks. I know it's him because he's been calling me Bubbles since the third grade and he's the only person that ever calls me Bubbles. I take my blanket off my head.

"Fuck, JJ. You almost gave me a heart attack. What are you even doing here? I thought I was clear. I don't want you here right now." I say.

"The front door.. was locked and.. I know the w- indow's always open." JJ says struggling to get up.

"That doesn't explain-" I stop and I take a close look at him. He's bruised and bleeding. "J, what happened?"

"My dad hit me.. again. Nothing new, right?" He asks smiling and then looking sad. His dad is a bad drunk. He hits him from time to time. We all know it but nobody seems to care too much. He finally gets up and starts to fall forward onto my bed. I quickly move my legs up to my chest and he flops down.

"Are you drunk?" I ask.

"He.. he.. accused me of.. of.. stealing, so I.. I did. I took all of his b- eers.. and drank them.. in front of him.. and then he hit me.. with the emp- ty bottles.. even after they sh- attered on my head." JJ says.

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