Chapter twenty-two.

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"Seven times I demonstrated how to do this and she still doesn't get it." JJ says.

"Oh, you can let go of her now." John B says.

"Gladly." JJ says. He takes his hands off my eyes and John B and Pope go back outside. "Were you gonna tell him yesterday?" JJ starts rolling more blunts.

"I was. But then you walked in and I just thought what if he didn't want us together. I don't wanna lose you. And maybe he can choose love over family, but I can't. He's all I have left and I don't want him to be mad at me." I say.

"It's okay, B. You can do it when you're ready." JJ says. I kiss him and he drops the blunt he's working on. He pushes my hair behind my ear. "You're so beautiful. Did I tell you that today?"

"Well, now you did." I say.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to not just grab you and kiss you at random times of the day?" JJ asks, putting his hands on my waist.

"We're alone now." I say. He pulls me in and kisses me softly. "I gotta tell him. Seven weeks is way too long." He looks off to the side. "What?"

"Do you realize that we've been dating for almost two whole months and we've only been on one real date?" He asks.

"So, let's go on another one." I say.

"When?" He asks.

"Today. We can spend the majority of the day with the other two and then at like 4 you tell them you have to go somewhere and I'll tell them I forgot my mom needed me." I say.

"Are we seriously doing this?" JJ asks.

"Yes. We need more time." I say and he smiles. He kisses me one more time and we start rolling blunts again. I kiss him, making him drop the blunt.

"Don't." He said after pulling out of the kiss. I giggle and wipe the lipstick off his lips. He bites at my hand and I bring it back. He rolls the last two blunt and puts them in a little bag.

"These will just have to do." He huffs putting the bags down on the counter.

"All aboard. Sarah will be here any minute." John B says.

~~~On the marsh~~~

"John B, I'm so glad we're doing this." Sarah says.

"Me too." John B said. "Oh, I left the candles down in the cargo hold."

"I'll get them." Sarah says going to the cargo hold. John B winks at me and JJ. JJ sneaks around to the other side of the ship. "John B, where are they?" I move around to the hold and help JJ put the top over it.

"Well, Pope was right. This plan is kinda kidnappy." I say.

"Alright, Tee. Go to your spot and don't forget to give us the signal." John B says.

"I won't." I say.


I splash the bucket of water up the front of the boat as I see Ky, Kie, and Pope coming towards us.

"What happened?" Kie asks. The boys start talking to her, but I can't make out what they're saying.

"And you need both of us for this?" Ky asks. They stay up there messing around for a little. Pope gives me the signal and I run around the side of the boat and jump off with the boys.

"Sayonara." JJ yells. We swim over to Pope and he helps me up as the other boys climb on and Ky and Kie run out of the alp.

"Guys." Kie says. They stop and Sarah pops up. "Are you serious?"

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