Chapter fifty.

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Back a minute or two.

John B sighs and sniffles looking at the memorial we made for him as I walk over and Presley trails behind me.

"It's a cute art project." John B said. "Killed the tree, though." I laugh.

"Probably. Yeah." I say and John B laughs. "Oops." He looks over at me. "I friggin' missed you, man." We hug for a little before I push back.

"Did you do what I asked you to?" John B asks.

"As much as it pains me to say it, yes I did." I answer.

"I'm sorry, bro. I just-" John B starts.

"Yeah, I get it." I say.

"Thank you." John B says.

"Yeah." I say.

"And how many green lollipops have you had since I've been gone?" John B asks Presley.

"Like two hundred billion thousand." Presley answers.

"Whoa. That's a lot of lollipops man. You're gonna get a cavity." John B says.

"Tobi makes sure I get showered twice a day and brush my teeth when I wake up and before I go to sleep." Presley says.

"Sounds like Tobi's just the perfect little mommy, isn't she?" John B asks.

Tobi's POV

"Welcome to Pogue Lyfe before death, Kookie." I say.

"Fun, innit?" JJ asks putting Presley in the hot tub before getting back in himself.

"It's okay." Sarah answers. I get out of the hot tub and hug John B as he comes back over.

"Okay?" JJ asks.

"Yeah, nothing extravagant." Sarah says.

"What's this for?" John B asks.

"We haven't had a proper hug since you've been back." I say.

"That's because you're used to marble floors and ponies in the yard." JJ says.

"Well, in that case." John B says. He squeezes me tightly.

"Oh, okay. Um, ow." I say. He lets go and we get in the hot tub.

"Ponies?" Sarah asks.

"Yeah, ponies." JJ says.

"Ky, did you do what I asked you to?" John B asks. She shakes her wrist making her bracelets jingle.

"Haven't taken it off since." Ky says.

"Hey, Sarah Cameron. Did I ever show you the lock screen on my phone?" JJ asks.

"No." Sarah answers.

"Oh, JJ, you did not." I say. He grabs his phone and shows Sarah his lock screen.

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