Chapter twenty-nine.

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"B!" JJ says storming into my room.

"No." I say.

"That was really mean." JJ says.

"JJ, shut up." I say.

"Are you saying that you're not going to be there for me when I mess up? Because you told me earlier that you would." JJ says.

"JJ, the kid is sleeping! Please just go enjoy your hot tub. We will be taking it down in the morning along with everything else that you so foolishly spent that money on." I say tucking Presley in. I start looking for his favorite dinosaur stuffy on the bed.

"You're gonna hurt him." JJ says.

"What?" I ask.

"You're angrily tucking him in. You're gonna hurt him." JJ says.

"JJ, please please just get out of here before I hurt you." I say. I walk around to the other side of the bed and look over there.

"B, look." JJ says. I get it from under the bed and angrily walk back over to him.

"No, you look. This is exactly why none of your friends wanted to help you earlier. These are the dumb things that they're talking about." I say smacking him with the dinosaur.

"Will you calm down?" He asks.

"N-" I stop when he grabs the back of my neck and starts kissing me forcefully. I push him back and smack him with the dinosaur once more. "JJ, that cannot be your solution to every problem."

"Why not? It's effective." JJ says.

"Get out." I say.

"No, B." He says.

"Out." I say pushing him out of the room. I look back at Presley who is still sleeping and I sit next to him before I kiss his forehead. "I'm sorry, Press. We're not trying as hard as we're supposed to be."

"It's okay, Tobi. You're doing pretty good if you ask me." Presley says.

"You're supposed to be asleep." I say.

"You're supposed to be talking things out with your boyfriend." Presley says.

"I can't leave you in here alone." I say.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep. You need to talk things out with him and then have fun in the hot tub with your friends." Presley says.

"Why would I do that when I can lay here and cuddle with you?" I ask.

"Because I told you to." Presley says.

"Did I ever tell you you're my favorite boy in the whole world?" I ask.

"No." Presley answers.

"Well, you are." I said. "And you are the only boy I will ever listen to." He hugs me and I rock him softly.

"Goodnight, Tobi." Presley says.

"Goodnight, pea drop." I say. I lay him down and kiss his forehead. I go out of the room to JJ who's sitting against his bedroom door in the hallway. "I'm not mad at you."

"It feels like you are." He says. I sat down next to him.

"JJ, you have to stop making irrational decisions. Because right now me and you alone together sounds like heaven, but in two years when we're looking around at our lives and all of our recent memories, you're gonna regret not having the rest of them there with us." I say.

"And how do you know that?" He asks.

"Because I already have memories like that. I have memories with the Kooks that I wish all of you were there with me instead of them. I have memories from Kie's Kook year that I wish she was there for. I'm creating memories now that I wish my dad could be here for, but it's too late to change that. Don't let it be too late, JJ. You should never have to look back and say I wish." I say. He kisses me and I pull back. "JJ, the hallway is the worst place to do this. People can see us."

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