Chapter fifty-seven.

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~~~Tannyhill, Shoupe's POV~~~

"Okay, people, let's do it organized and thorough. I want two of you in every room. Papers, computers, anything that don't look right." I order.

"Yes, sir. Let's move." One of the SBI guys says.

"Vic, I want these people out of my goddamn house. Do you understand me? This is Tannyhill. You know what that means. I will not have an invasion of 500 police in my house." Ward says.

"It ain't an invasion, Ward. It's a warrant. Now, it would help if you'd just let us know where Rafe is." I say.

"I told you I don't know where Rafe is, all right? And besides, what does he have to do with any of this? He has nothing-" Ward says.

"Would you read the goddamn warrant?" I ask. He unfolds the warrant and starts reading some of the words.

"Jesus, Vic. Murder? Rafe? You've known him his whole life. He did not do this, alright? John B is the one that did this." Ward says.

"We got Rafe's fingerprints on the bullet casings, and the gun was registered to you, Ward." I say.

"John B was staying here. When he was staying here. You know when I took him in, he took the bullets-" Ward says.

"Yeah, well, we also have two eyewitnesses and an ear-witness that contradict your statements." Bratcher says walking up to us.

"They're lying, all of them." Ward says.

"Oh." Bratcher says.

"John B did it. I told you that. You know it, too." Ward says.

"Ward, you know what they say about being in a hole? Best thing you can do is stop digging. This has implications for you as well." I say.

"Bottom line, Mr. Cameron. You lied to us. We can prove it." Bratcher says. Ward turns around and sits on the stairs behind him. "I know this has gotta be tough for you, but your cooperation would be taken into consideration. So, is there anything you wanna tell us about who really killed Sheriff Peterkin?"

"Ward?" Rose says. I look up and see Brooke and Haizel standing behind her.

"I'd like to speak with my attorney." Ward says.

"Yeah. That's what I figured." I say.

"All right. Let's bag 'em and tag 'em. We got a lot of house to cover." Bratcher says.

"Shoupe, what is this? Why are you doing this?" Ward asks. I take my wallet out of my pocket and open it to the picture of October.

"You have a picture of the Routledge girl in your wallet?" Ward asks.

"Yeah, and I have a picture of John B and the Morris girl, the Maybank kid, Heyward's boy, and the other girl that hangs around with them. Do you know why, Ward?" I ask.

"No, I don't know why, Vic." Ward answers.

"Big John Routledge gave them to me about a week before he disappeared. He gave the same pictures to Peterkin. He told us to watch over these kids and to always believe them especially when they sound the most crazy. Now, I wasn't doing a very good job at that and then, they brought me the murder weapon after two of them crawled into the sewage system to get it. And this young lady right here said to me, "I can't wait until we prove you wrong. All of the people that never believed us, they'll regret it." And that's when I remembered what Big John had told me about them being right when they sound most craziest, so for his sake, her sake, and John B's sake, I proved myself wrong." I say before closing my wallet and walking away.

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