Chapter twenty-three.

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~~~Laying down for bed~~~

"Hey, Sarah." Kie says.

"Hey, Kiara." Sarah says.

"Promise me that you won't bail on John B. He's not just.. some other guy. And he really, really likes you." Kie says.

"I won't." Sarah says.

"Promise me." Kie says.

"I promise." Sarah says. Kie sighs and turns towards me.

"Also, I'm sorry I called the cops." Kie says.

"I knew it. I knew it, you bitch." Sarah says as we all laugh. "I told you."

"You should've invited me." Kie laughs.

"So, you called the cops?" Sarah asks.

"Yes." Kie says.

~~~The Château, Tobi's POV~~~

"Okay, Presley. This is gonna sound like it's not gonna be a lot of fun but I promise you it's gonna be so much fun. You're gonna stay with me and my friends for a couple of days because your mommy and daddy went on a little trip." I say.

"They went on vacation without me? Again?" Presley asks.

"No, no. It's not vacation. It's business. They aren't even going to the same place. Mommy's got a book tour for work and daddy's gotta transport some stuff to a different state. They asked us to take care of you until they're back." I say.

"Who even are these people?" Presley asks, picking up a picture from the table.

"Well, you know JJ, John B, and Pope. And this is Ky and Kie. They're gonna love you. They're only a few of our friends." I say.

"Our friends?" Presley asks.

"Yes, our friends." I say.

~~~The next morning~~~

"Good morning, B." JJ said. "Sorry we didn't get to go on our date last night. We'll figure something out." He pushes his face into my hip. "That's not your neck."

"Sorry, I was just going through this stuff in the kid's bag." I say.

"Dang, the kid came with a manual?" JJ asks.

"He came with like six." I say.

"Did you sleep at all?" JJ asks.

"Like an hour on and off." I say.

"B." JJ says.

"I'm just so worried about this kid." I say.

"Go to sleep, B. I got him." JJ says sitting up.

"Really?" I ask.

"What, you don't think I'm capable of taking care of him?" JJ asked. "You forget these people aren't the only ones who write manuals."

"Yeah, but." I say.

"If I need anything I'll consult the filing cabinet. But you right now are a last resort." JJ says. I hold his head and kiss his cheek before gently nuzzling it with my nose. He takes all the papers from me and puts them back in the kid's bag. He put the bag next to him on the bed and laid me down. "If you wake up, go back to sleep." He whispers in my ear before laying his head against mine quickly before grabbing the bag and leaving the room.

~~~John B's POV~~~

"Something smells good." I said to Pope who was standing in the hallway with Presley.

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