Chapter twenty-five.

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I look around and I see a pair of legs behind the fireplace.

"Ky." I say.

"Kit, I'm scared." Ky said. "I'm so scared. I don't wanna die."

"Oh, come here, you little." Mrs. Crain yells breaking through the door. I grab Ky's hand and we start going back down into the basement when Mrs. Crain comes around the corner stabbing at us. I push her down and close the door before dragging Ky down the stairs.

"We gotta go." Sarah says.

"Okay, that's code red! That's code red! Hey!" JJ yells.

"Let's go." Pope says.

"John B! Get back out man!" JJ yells.

"Hey!" Pope yells. We all start pulling John B back up and we fall.

"Where the hell is he?" Pope asks.

"John B!" Kie yells.

"I FOUND THE GOLD!" John B yells.

"What's he saying?" JJ asks.


"Yo, he's drowning." Kie says.

"We gotta pull him out." Sarah says.

"I think he found the gold." Ky says.

"That's what I heard." I say.

"Hey, John B get back on the rope. We're gonna pull you back up, okay, buddy?" Pope says.

"Come on." Kie says.

"Come on!" Sarah yells.

"Pope." Kie says.

"Are you ready?" JJ asks.

"Okay, I'm on." John B says.

"Yes." Kie says.

"Yeah." Sarah says. We pull the rope grunting.

"Pull." Pope says and a gun goes off. Us girls scream and we all duck. "Jesus."

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Kie says.

"Pope, JJ. What the hell?" John B asks.

"We gotta get out, man." Pope yells.

"John B, hurry up. Pope, hide." JJ says pulling me and Ky behind something.

"Let's go." Kie said. "She can't aim for shit."

"She can't see." Sarah says.

"She's blind." Kie said. "Go, go, go." Everyone else leaves me and I help John B. He comes up partially and I help drag him the rest of the way up.

"Whoo!" John B shouts.

"Come on." I say.

"JJ. Pope. Kie. Ky. Sarah. Wait up." John B says as the two of us run to the wall. I jump over first and John B follows behind me. We run to catch up with the rest of them.

"Come on. Get in." Kie says. We jump in and they close the door.

"B, your leg." JJ says. There's a big gaping hole in my leg, gushing blood.

"Huh, I guess she actually got me. That bitch." I say.

"Got you? She sliced your leg open." Pope says.

"Oh, that's fine. I can still walk." I said. "John B, what the hell were you doing down there?"

"You shot? You shot?" JJ asks.

"You good? I think I would know if I was shot." Kie says.

"More importantly, did you find any dead bodies?" I ask.

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