Chapter forty-four.

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"Go around the block." JJ says.

"Yeah." Pope said. "Yeah, just go."

"We're gonna lose him." Kie says.

"Go, go, go." JJ says.

"I'm going. I'm going." Kie says.

"I can't hear anything." Pope says.

"Shit." JJ says.

"I can't- I'm losing it. I'm losing the signal. I can't hear him." Pope says.

"What the hell is this?" JJ asks commenting on the construction work ahead.

"Stop. Just stop and turn around now." Pope says.

"Pull in here- pull in here and back up and turn around." JJ says.

"Okay. Okay. I'm just gonna back up." Kie says.

"What are you doing?" JJ asks as a construction truck pulls behind up blocking our way out.

"Are you kidding?" Kie asks.

"Holy shit." Ky says.

"Hey! We were about to back up." JJ yells out the door.

"What are you doing?" Kie asks.

"You literally had to do that now? Wait! Hey, Pope!" JJ shouts as Pope runs around the car.

"We gotta know where they're meeting." Pope says. Me, Ky, and JJ get out.

"Damn." Kie says struggling to get her door open.

"We're going after him, right?" JJ asks.

"Yep." Kie answers. The four of us start running down the block chasing Pope.

"Okay." JJ says.

"Go." Kie says.

"You can't leave that car there." Some guy says.

"Sorry." Kie yells.

"Move it." The guy yells.

"Get it later." JJ says.

"Come on." The man screams.

"Pope!" JJ yells.

"Go! Go!" Kie yells.

"Pope!" JJ yells.

"Pope!" Kie yells as Pope jumps over a wall.

"Oh my. He's psychotic." I say. JJ helps us three girls over the wall before coming over himself. We come up on a yard with a pool with few people in it. Lux being one of them.

"Sean? Ah, this is where you live, you Kook." JJ says.

"Hey, Lux. Don't tell mom about this, okay?" I ask.

"Tobi?" Lux asks. We run over to Pope in the hedges as the car pulls off. Pope smiles.

"What does that mean?" Kie asks.

"Did you hear something?" JJ asks.

"He- he's meeting Ward right now. We gotta go." Pope says.

"Okay, come on." Kie says.

"Come on. Come on." Pope says. We run back through the area with the pool.

"Hi, again. Don't tell mom." I say.

"What is happening?" Lux asks watching us run. JJ helps us back over the wall.

"Toodles, babes." I shout before going over the wall.


We all come up from behind a gate and Pope has a weird old camera.

"Nice camera. Where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ asks.

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