Chapter eighteen.

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"Have you ever seen so many Kooks in one place?" Kie asks.

"Some of them are Pogues." I say.

"Woah, Tobes. Looking elegantly beautiful tonight." Pope says.

"Why thank you, Pope. You look quite handsome yourself." I say fixing his bow tie.

"Astonishing, fair lady." Kie says in a British accent while bowing.

"Dazzling, madam." I say in a French accent while bowing. We both giggle a little.

"How'd you get in?" Pope asks.

"I just dressed nice and jumped over a fence." I say.

"No really." Kie says.

"Hey, look at you making friends." Mom says. I see Lux looking at me and put my hand above my eyes as if I were blocking my eyes from the sun. That's our secret signal for when Mom's bothering one of us.

"Is Lux drinking? Isn't she like 14?" I ask.

"What?" Mom asks before leaving.

"There's your answer. Don't tell her we're already friends. She'll freak." I say before looking around. "Have either of you seen John B?"

"No, sorry, Tobes." Pope says.

"They said if we haven't seen him in 48 hours we should file a report." I say.

"A missing persons report?" Kie asks.

"No, a found persons report. Yes, a missing persons report, Kie." I say.

"Have you guys heard from JJ?" Pope asks.

"No." Kie said. "He'll be all right. He's got the survival instincts of a cockroach."

"It's all my fault." Pope says.

"You can't do this, Pope. Topper almost killed you, remember." Kie says.

"Don't worry. JJ's alright. Last time I saw him he was leaving his house to go somewhere." I say. Everyone starts clapping and cheering.

"Here comes Lord Capital and the Exploiters." Kie says as the Cameron's enter the party.

"She's definitely gonna poke someone's eye out with that thing." Pope says commenting on Rose's spiky hat.

"Hey, where's Ky?" I ask.

"The Château. She went to look for John B." Kie says.

"Oh." I say.

"Pope." Heyward says.

"I gotta go. Work." Pope says. I hug him.

"It's not your fault, PP." I say.

"Please don't call me that again." Pope says.

"Okay." I say. I let go and he walks away. I grab a full glass of champagne off of some tray and drink it. Mom comes over.

"October, please tell me you did not just drink that." Mom says.

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