Chapter forty-three.

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~~~The Wreck~~~

"For the record, I never doubted them." JJ says. Kie laughs.

"We owe you two five bucks." Kie says.

"But I just got this money from the last bet." Ky says.

"You gotta side with Bubbles. She always places the right bets." JJ says.

"Maybe we should take her to Vegas." Pope says.

"Tobi!" Presley screams running over to me. I pick him up and squeeze him and feel someone else hugging us. I look down and see JJ's hands. JJ backs out of the hug and I put Presley down. He runs over to Mrs. C.

"Hey, Kiara, I do need those setups done by five!" Mrs. C says.

"You know there are other people that work here." Kie says.

"But ain't none of them my children." Mrs. C says.

"I feel that. On a deep, emotional level I understand that." Pope says as everyone sits around on the dock. Ky whistles.

"Looking good, Mr. C!" Ky yells.

"Stop ogling my dad, Ky." Kie says.

"Fine." Ky says.

"Don't ogle my mom, either." Kie said. Both of you."

"Dang it." I say. Presley runs down the dock.

"Ky I drew this for you. It's what I think your soul looks like." Presley says.

"Um." I say.

"Mr. C taught me how to do it and I shared my lollipops." Presley says.

"So you had fun today?" I ask.

"So much fun." Presley says.

"Well, you're day is about to get a whole lot better. We have some exciting news." I say.

"Seriously?" Presley asks.

"John B and Sarah are still alive." Ky whispers. Presley gasps.

"I gotta make more drawings." Presley says running back down the dock.

"So we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ asks.

"Dude, there's no way we're getting to the Bahamas." Pope says.

"John B's gonna get nabbed sooner or later. So if we're gonna clear his name, we need to have done it like yesterday." Kie says.

"I'll tell you how we do it." JJ says.

"Oh, so you have it all planned out?" Pope asks.

"As a matter of fact, I do." JJ answered. "We kidnap Rafe."

"I'm sorry, what?" Pope asks.

"I like this plan." Ky says.

"Just listen. We kidnap Rafe, tie him up, and stick the gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking." JJ says doing this little motion with his hands. I purse my lips and shove my head into Kie's shoulder.

"Holy shit." Ky says.

"Keep your cool, you two." Kie says punching us in the stomach making us fold forward a little.

"Ow." I say.

"My future babies." Ky says.

"You know, torture is a war crime." Kie says.

"I thought it was a good idea." JJ says.

"Yeah, so how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell?" Pope asked. "Because that's a felony."

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