Chapter sixteen.

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The boys starts whispering about something.

"I'm gonna go pee." Rafe says getting up and running off.

"I gotta get a drink." Topper says leaving in the same direction as Rafe.

"Um, my mom wants me." Kelce says and he goes back there, too. I look over at the place where Pogues were sitting and it's only Ky and Kie.

"Fuck." I say. I get up and follow the boys to where they ran. I see Kelce and Topper holding JJ and Pope in head locks as Rafe punches JJ in the face. "Hey, get off of them!"

"Why? We're taking your advice." Topper says.

"My advice was not to attack my friends. Now let go." I say.

"Shut up, October." Rafe says.

"I said get off." I say pushing Rafe away from JJ. "Leave them alone." I try taking Kelce's hands from around JJ's neck.

"Let go of him, Topper. You fascist asshole." Kie says as her and Ky try helping Pope. Rafe grabs Kie off of Topper's back and throws her on the ground.

"Stay out of this, Kiara." Rafe says.

"Kie! You okay?" Pope yells. I push Rafe away from JJ and he grabs me by the neck.

"You're a pretty girl, October. You shouldn't be fight a man's fight." Rafe says. Brooke comes over and start fighting with Ky.

"I'm not. You're 19 years old and you're fighting a bunch of 16 year olds. You can't fight a battle alone so you have someone holding him down so you can hit him. Plus a real man would never put his hands on girl." I say. I elbow him in the stomach and push him to the ground. "When the men show up you tell me."

"Showing off for your little boyfriend?" Rafe asks standing up.

"Are you showing off for yours?" I ask and the big screen goes up in flames. Kie pushes Topper off of Pope.

"Let's get out of here." Rafe said. "Let's go." The three boys and Lux run. Brooke goes over a little after. I stand Pope up and hug him.

"You okay?" I ask.

"He almost killed me." Pope says.

"This is why you don't listen to JJ." I said. "Next time, we'll handle them." I go over to JJ. "Let me see your face." He looks up at me and I take his hat off.

"Hey." He says.

"You look better without it." I say. I look over to make sure Kie, Ky, and Pope aren't looking and I kiss him.

"October, let's go before Mom calls." Topper says.

"Mind your business, Topper." I said. "I'll explain next time." I kiss JJ one more time and Rafe comes over picking me up by the waist bringing me to Topper's Jeep with the rest of the Kooks. "Let go of me, you psychotic dick." He tightens his grips and does it even more as I kick and fight.

~~~OBX movie night, Ky's POV~~~

"I'm so glad that they're still doing this. Keep calm. Carry on. Back to OBX life. You know? Aren't you guys glad that I made you come?" Kie asks.

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