Chapter two.

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Tobi's POV

I wake up to someone knocking on my door.

"Ugh." I groan. I roll over and there's a random dude in my bed. "KY!" She comes running in and drags the boy out of my bed.

"Let's go, Mario." Ky says.

"Marcus." The dude corrects her. She drags him out of my room and I start getting ready for the day. I look around for my favorite T-shirt and can't find it.

"JJ." I say knocking on the door. It stays extra quiet. "JJ, give me my shirt back." This is a little game he likes to play. I lay out an outfit, he takes the shirt to make me think I was didn't lay it out. I knock, again. "JJ."

"Busy." JJ says.

"Can I please have my shirt back?" I ask.

"JJ's not here right now." JJ says.

"JJ, this isn't funny." I say.

"Come back tomorrow." JJ says.

"No, JJ. I will go in there." I said. "JJ." I bang on the door again. A girl walks out of the room and JJ comes out behind her.

"Nora, I'm sorry it's not my fault." JJ says.

"Fuck you and your communal living." The girl said. "And by the way, it's Ashley." I go inside JJ's room and look for my shirt.

"Happy?" JJ asks putting his shirt on. Fuck, he's got a nice body.

"I'll be happier once I have my shirt." I replied.

"It's in Ky's room." JJ says.

"Ugh, JJ. Why is it in Ky's room?" I ask.

"Because I left it in there when I took it last night." JJ answers.

"You get on my nerves." I groaned. "Why did go into Ky's room when you had a girl over?"

"Oh no. Emily left last night. Then Kendra came and she left this morning and then Nora came after she left. Well, actually she didn't because of you." JJ says.

"Gross. Ky." I say as I walk towards her room. She comes out of her room drinking something in a cup and hands me the shirt. "Since when do you drink anything from a cup?" I put on the shirt.

"Since when does she drink anything other than beer?" John B asks.

"It's called a healthy start. I stocked the fridge with healthy foods." Ky says.

"Why?" John B asks.

"I was getting a little beer belly." Ky said. "I need to stay skinny for the summer if I want boys like Mario to stick around."

"Right before a hurricane?" I ask.

"Fuck." Ky said. "At least Mario was hot, though, right?"

~~~DSC Meeting~~~

"Okay, kids. It's come to our attention that you are two unemancipated minors living together on your own." Cheryl says.

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