Chapter twenty.

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~~~Battery Jasper~~~

"We're in Battery, right here. So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here." Pope says.

"Somewhere over there." Kie says pointing.

"Over there? Guys, that's not Tannyhill, that's a subdivision." JJ says.

"Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island. It got sold into smaller pieces over time." John B says.

"So, we're just looking for an old stone wall." Pope says.


"Okay, so the road should split up here." Pope says.

"Okay." John B says.

"Does anyone else think it's weird seeing Pope in the front seat?" I ask.

"A little." JJ answers.

"Alright, you're gonna take a left." Pope says. John B turns left.

"That looks like a stone wall to me." JJ says.

"This is it." Pope says. We open the doors and get out of the van.

"Not the Crain house." John B says.

"Are you kidding me?" Kie asks as John B and Pope shut the doors.

"I thought when we said full Kook we meant the crazy rich ones, not the plain crazy ones." I say.

"Nice one." Ky says high-fiving me.

"Worst-case scenario." JJ says.

"Why'd it have to be here of all places?" Pope asks.

"I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on the property." JJ says.

"Only one way to find out." I say.

"Tobi." Pope says.

"I'm just kidding. Let's find the gold.. first." I say. We jump over the wall and walk through a whole bunch of plants and stuff.

"Look, you guys know whose house this is, right?" Kie asks.

"Oh, yeah. No, I do." JJ says.

"Look, honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B says.

"I do. That's what makes this exciting." I say.

"Shh." Pope says.

"Which stories did you hear?" JJ asks Kie.

"The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that's she's been holed up ever since. Certain nights, when the moon is full you can see her in the window. Waahh." Kie says waving her hands in JJ's face.

"No, Kie, it's not funny, 'cause it's all true. I swear to God, guys, this is all real. I knew Hollis. Jeez." JJ says getting scared by a statue.

"Wait, you knew Hollis Crain?" John B asks.

"Yeah, dude." JJ says.

"Dude, how do you know Hollis Crain?" Pope asks.

"She was my babysitter, man. She told me all about it. Told me the truth.. about her mother and what happened in this house. So as a kid, she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father, and she was a murderer and all. Hollis didn't believe it. Until that night." JJ says.

"What night?" John B asks.

"It all came back to her. When Hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. So she goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink.. full of blood." JJ pauses and stares at John B. "Her mother just says that she cut her finger. The next morning, she says her father and her split up. But then, Hollis noticed something. Her mother going into the parlor constantly, in and out and in and out with plastic bags. Weeks pass, and Hollis decided to use the outhouse. And as she's using it, she looks down, and there, in the outhouse, is her father's head, looking straight back at her." JJ says.

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