Chapter fifty-five.

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"Where the hell is Wheezie?" Sarah asks.

"Don't worry about it. Listen- Whoa. It's all good. I- I just.." Rafe pauses for a little while. "I just.. I needed to talk to you, like, a little bit. Is that okay?" He walks closer to me.

"Don't come near me." I say backing up some.

"'Cause- 'cause what you do, Sarah, affects me, okay? You don't.. you don't think of that, do you?" Rafe asks.

"You shot me, Rafe." I say.

"That's it, right? It's- it's always my fault, right? Like, uh.. you know, I- I wanna keep what's mine, that I got by my work, and I'm the bad guy for trying to.. to hold on to it?" Rafe asks.

"It's not yours." I say.

"Like I'm wrong to protect what's mine, huh?" Rafe asks loudly. I cover my mouth and nose and then bring my hands down. "Listen to me, okay? The cops are going to talk to you, and.. and I need to make sure the story's straight because-"

"You killed Peterkin." I said. "My story's straight." Rafe rolls his eyes. "Listen, this would go better for you if you would just-"

"Who are you trying to protect here? Huh?" Rafe asks getting in my face.

"I'm trying to do the right thing." I say starting to cry a little.

"You're trying to do the right thing?" Rafe asks.

"I can't- you- you're- you're-" I stutter.

"You doing the right thing-" Rafe says.

"Are you hearing yourself?" I ask.

"No, you're not listening to me. You doing the right thing is the reason that you got shot. Because you were following John B." Rafe says.

"John B might get the death penalty because of you!" I shout.

"That! That right there. That's- that's exactly what I'm talking about, Sarah. You know?" Rafe asks sitting down. "You've always been against me."

"No. I haven't." I say shaking my head 'No'.

"Don't shake your head. And you still are. No, no, no, no. You're not just against me. You're- you're against us. We're your family, and you're against us." Rafe said. "Listen but you know, Dad always takes your side, right? 'Cause you're gonna cry in front of him like you cried in front of me. But you listen to me. I'm a proactive type of person, Sarah. And we have a problem, and I gotta solve that problem tonight. Do you understand? Do you understand?!" I start running. "Whoa, whoa, Sarah! Where you going, Sarah?" Rafe runs after me.

~~~Detention Center, Ky's POV~~~

JJ puts his hat on and we pull up to the gatekeeper. The keeper starts checking out the cab of the ambulance flashing his light in my eyes.

"It's straight ahead to the transfer bay." The keeper says.

"Copy that. Thank you, sir." JJ says. The gates open and we go through. We back into the transfer bay and JJ turns off the ambulance. He sticks his hand out the window and bangs on the door twice.

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