Chapter thirty-five.

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"Routledge!" Shoupe yells. "October." The other cop pulls me back. The church door opens.

"That's him! The cop killer!" The girl from earlier says as John B walks out of the church.

"Back up!" The other officer yells.

"Get him!" Some guy says.

"On your knees, Routledge! Get down!" Shoupe says.

"John B!" Someone says.

"Get down on your knees! Keep your hands where we can see 'em!" Shoupe says.

"Get down!" A bystander yells.

"Shoot him!" Some girl says.

"Get down! Stay back! Routledge, get down!" Shoupe says.

"Don't shoot, all right?" Topper says. I start looking around for him and realize that's him not John B.

"Get down!" One of the officers yell.

"Keep your hands where we can see them. Show me your hands!" Shoupe says.

"Get down" Plumb says.

"It's Topper." Topper says. The police officer lets me go and he goes over to Topper.

"Topper?" Shoupe asks as the officer takes the hood off his head.

"It's Topper. All right? Put the guns down, man. Just put the guns down." Topper says.

"God damn it. Topper, what the hell are you doin'?" Shoupe asks as the officer cuffs him.

"I don't know what the hell happened in there, all right?" Topper says standing up.

"That's bullshit and I ain't buyin' it. You're gonna need to tell me what's goin' on, right now." Shoupe says.

"Is this how you treat people who are just trying to help?" Topper asks.

"All right, smart-ass. Thomas! Plumb! Go talk to him. Get him in the car." Shoupe says. The sirens start wailing and the officer drags Topper to a car. "Let's get everybody backed up! Hey, there might be people in there! Somebody get on the bullhorn, let's get out back. He's still out there. God damn it." Shoupe says.

~~~The Wreck, the next morning~~~

When I wake up and stretch before fully opening my eyes. I look around and make eye contact with JJ who is the only other person awake. He walks over to me and crouches down in front of me.

"Good morning, Princess." He says.

"Good morning, JJ." I say. He kisses me on the forehead.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Like compacted dirt." I say. He laughs a little.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful today? Because you do." He says.

"Did I tell you that I love how you can put a smile on my face before I even sit up? Because I do." I say. His smile quickly turns into a face of realization and I look around.

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