Chapter seven.

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~~~The next morning~~~

"DCS, I know you're in there." JJ says in a deep voice.

"Kildare County Sheriff's Department. We got the place surrounded and there's nowhere to go." Ky says in a deep voice. I roll my eyes and put my sunglasses on before going into the living room.

"JJ, don't wak-" I start as he jumps at the window waking up John B.

"Gotcha, slick." JJ said. "You should've seen your face. Your face was like." He makes a face.

"She's gonna be mad." John B says. JJ looks up.

"Uh oh. Did I wake the beast?" JJ asks.

"No, luckily for you, I was already up." I say. He closes his eyes and smiles at me. God, he's so cute. I grab the keys to the Twinkie and hit John B's legs. "Let's go, B." I throw the keys to him, then go outside as Ky goes inside.

"B." JJ says.

"Hmm." I hum.

"Wanna go on a date?" JJ asks.

"When and where?" I ask.

"Friday at 7." JJ says.

"Ooh, no can do. I have to be back at the Thornton's on Friday nights and Saturday's too." I say.

"So, what?" JJ asked. "You can't leave the Palace for one night?"

"Fuck it. Let's do it." I say. He picks me up and I kiss him as he spins us around. The door opens and he puts me down. I push him away from me.

"I was learning." I say.

"You still almost drowned, though." JJ says. I love how he knows exactly what to say. I push him, again.

"Someone woke up today and chose violence." Ky says.

"I wake up every day and choose violence." I said. "Where's John B?"

"I had to change." John B answers coming out.

"Ew, you didn't even take a shower." I say.

"You don't always need a shower to change your clothes and I bet you didn't take one either." John B says.

"I did. I've been up for an hour and a half." I say.

"Oh, shut up and get in the van." John B says.

"One of these days, she is gonna just bite your heads off." Ky says as we all walk over to the Twinkie.

"Do you mean like little hic-?" JJ asks and John B covers his mouth.

"No. Just no." John B says.

~~~On the ride there~~~

"I'm just saying, man, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara. She clearly likes you. She's like "Oh, John B."" JJ moans making me and Ky laugh.

"Is that what she says?" John B asks.

"She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you, bro." JJ says.

"She kissed me on the cheek." John B said. "It's not like we were making out."

"Low-hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend that you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like, "I kinda like that," and you start blushing and shit." JJ says.

"You like that?" Ky mouths to me.

"I blush?" John B asks.

"Don't judge me." I mouth back.

"Yeah." JJ answers.

"Kinda." Ky replies.

"Really?" John B asks.

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