Chapter fifty-four.

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~~~Product Mania, Ky's POV~~~

"We're gonna need costumes." I say.

"For?" JJ asks.

"For this heist." I say as me and JJ skate up to Product Mania aka Cousin Ricky's. He has weed plants all over his house. We stop when we get to the ambulance truck and we put our skateboards up against it. JJ whistles.

"Yo." JJ says. Cousin Ricky was fixing a motorcycle in his garage.

"Hey, Weed Seed." I say as we walk over to him.

"'Sup, Kya the Buya." Ricky says.

"Ricky!" JJ says a little excited.

"JJ." Ricky says expressionless.

"Look at that. My own cousin likes you more than me." JJ says.

"I'm a very likable person, JJ." I say.

"What do you guys want?" Ricky asks.

"Hydroponic." I answer.

"We need a favor. No weed today, Ky." JJ says.

"Ugh, lame-o." I say.

"Our friend, you know John B, right?" JJ asks.

"Yeah." Ricky answered. "The Jailbird."

"Yeah, exactly. I have a plan to get him out and I need your ambulance." JJ says.

"What? No." Ricky says.

"Listen, man, all you gotta do is leave the ambulance running." JJ said. "It's a small favor to ask, Ricky, just a small one."

"It's not as much about the favor as the general stupidity of the plan." Ricky says.

"Come on. Just leave the ambulance running, Ricky. You gotta do this one for me, bro." JJ says.

"You're gonna wind up in jail, cuz." Ricky says.

"I mean, that's gonna happen anyway, G, eventually. Might as well be for a good cause." JJ says.

"Yeah, well, I'm not having any part of it. You've come up with a lot of dumb ideas, but, uh, this might be the dumbest." Ricky says walking away. We follow him into his little greenhouse room full of weed.

"I wouldn't be asking you to do this if it wasn't important and let me remind you, you owe me, man. Who ran that load up to Cape Fear when your hemp came in hot? Me, all right?" JJ says.

"I'm sorry about your bud. I really am." Ricky says.

"Ricky." JJ says.

"But I'm not helping you commit suicide. Sorry. Now leave me alone. I gotta focus. I'm working an overnight later, so if you're cool.." Ricky says.

"No, yeah. I'm cool. I'm cool." JJ says.

"Yeah?" Ricky asks as they start to bro hug. "Okay, man."

"See you later." JJ said. "Appreciate you."

"Don't do anything stupid." Ricky says.

"Say hi to Stephanie for me." JJ says as we walk away.

"Yeah, I will." Ricky says. Me and JJ walk back into his garage and JJ takes his keys. We get into the truck.

"I'm sorry, Ricky. I'll make it up to you." JJ says starting the ambulance and taking off.

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