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"How come you still don't have a boyfriend?" I looked up at Jeno "Really? That was out of no where." "Not out of no where. I just wanna know. You kinda just turn down everybody." "How do you know I don't have a boyfriend?" "Impossible. You would tell me. Right?" "Of course I would. Let's finish our project." I lifted my head from Jeno's lap and got off the bed. "Do we have to finish it?" "Do you wanna pass?" "Fair enough."

 We both took a seat at the desk "Okay so-" The door opened and we redirected our attention. Once I noticed that it was Taeil I smiled "Hi Mr.Moon." He smiled back "Hi Y/n. I didn't know you were bringing your girlfriend over today Jeno." "She's not my girlfriend dad." Taeil chuckled "If you say so. Your mom is outside to see you." "Why can't she come in?" "I told you before she can't step foot in this house after walking out on us. Now go say hi." 

Jeno groaned "I'll be back Y/n." He stood up and went downstairs. "Do you want anything to drink?" Yeah you. I shook my head "No thank you." The front door closed and Taeil looked over the balcony. I went in the hallway and Taeil turned to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist "How's my princess?" "I'm good." "Good. I haven't talked to you in a while. Ignoring me?" I shook my head "No, I've been really busy with school and then this project with Jeno is a lot." He pulled away from my waist "I understand. Have you told Jeno yet?"

I looked down "N-no. I just don't want him to be mad at me and then tell a bunch of people. We are still in high school." "Y/n, you're 18 and about to graduate in two months. Don't you think you need to tell him?" I looked back up at Taeil "Yeah but I just don't think it's the right time." "Are you scared because you think he likes you?" "What?" "You think he likes you and I can see it. He doesn't, I can assure you of that. I think to him, you're more of a sister. Besides he's always sleeping with other girls when I take you on dates."

My jaw dropped slightly "Really? I thought-" "Nope and close your mouth love." "This whole thing is kinda weird." "You think so?" "Yeah. His mom had him and then got you, a oddly young guy. And then his mom left and now you, his stepdad, is all he has. Now you're dating his younger bestfriend. This whole dating someone younger cycle is repeating." "Let's hope it stops with you." I smiled "It will." Taeil grabbed my hands "You remember what you said to Jeno when you met me?" "Mmm. I think it was something along the lines of 'your stepdad is a dilf'." "You know at first I thought it was weird but given the age difference, not so weird." I stood on my toes and put my lips on his. He quickly kissed back.

"Dad!" We both quickly pulled away from each other. "Yes!" "Mom wants to talk to you!" Taeil sighed and looked at me "Okay! I'm on my way!" He gave me a quick peck on the lips before going downstairs. I rushed back into Jeno's room and pretended like I was still doing the project. A few seconds later Jeno came in the room "Sorry about that. My mom likes to ramble on about how much she misses my dad." I turned my head "What? She misses him?" He nodded "Yeah. I think that they could possibly get back together." 

I tilted my head "Really? Considering what she put you two through I don't think that your dad will want to go back to her. It was terrible plus he didn't know too much about you at the time. You were 15, he was 25. That's a ten year difference! He didn't even know how to raise a child. He didn't have any of his own. Therefore, he will not be going back to her."

Jeno clapped "I knew it! I knew you two were dating!" "H-huh?" "Don't play stupid Y/n. I knew it all along. The way you two look at each other. It's so cute. I was waiting for one of you to tell me, or for me to catch you." "And you're...cool with it?" "Yes of course. You two look so in love. He hasn't been happy since he's been stuck with me. I will admit that it's really weird that my bestfriend will be my future stepmother." "I'm sorry about that." "Don't be. You two are happy so I'm happy." I hugged him "I'm happy that you're okay with it. If you ever get uncomfortable with us just let me know." "I will, if that happens."

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