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I heard a knock on the door. I groaned "Come in." The door opened and it was my assistant. "Hi Ms. Y/l/n. It's 2 o'clock." I looked at my computer "You're right." I grabbed my folder and walked over to the door where she was. I handed my assistant the folder "Let's go." We left my office, not forgetting to close my door. We got on the elevator and pressed 6, which is where the conference room is. "Sorry for interrupting you, you looked like you were deep into your work." "Don't sweat it. If it wasn't for you, I would've missed the meeting." "So what is supposed to be determined in this meeting?" "To determine if Sefla is making the money to continue sales or will they unite under us or will they completely close down. I doubt that they're making enough money to even barely operate so this should be easy. Set that folder right on the table in front of where I'm sitting." "Yes ma'am." The elevator dinged and we got off. We walked down the hall to the conference room. My assistant opened the door and everyone was in the conference room. I walked in first and my assistant put the folder on the table before I sat down. I whispered a quiet thank you before dismissing her so she could run more errands. I sat down and folded my hands in front of me. "Let's get to business-" "So are you the CEO's daughter that he sent in here to negotiate and try to get us to sign under you? He tried to trick us with a pretty face." I shot a look across the table at the guy that said that. He let out a confident chuckle and smirked. I slowly stood and and grabbed the folder and started walking over to the other side of the table "If you should know. I am the CEO. You must be the rich only child that took the company because your dad is too old to handle it. In which shouldn't be much of a job since the company won't exist in the next few months."

Once I was right next to him I dropped the folder on the table. "This meeting should only take" I looked at my watch "20 minutes max." He leaned back in the chair and looked at me "What makes you so sure of that?" I half sat on the table with my hands folded "Open that folder." He picked it up and opened and started looking through it. I got off the table and walked around it as I talked. "Your first mistake was thinking that a man was gonna come up here. Your second one was underestimating me. Your third depends on what you say next." I heard the folder slam down on the table "What are you trying to say?" "I'm gonna keep it simple. I have every offshore account that you and your father has used to store money for yourselves. I have every deal you've made, foreign and nationwide, with other companies. You've started paying employees below minimum wage, within the company building and in the branches to keep it for yourself. Resulting in alot of quitting, now you have less employees but you raise the prices on your products. Now knowing all of this you have three choices, continue operation as Sefla, come under us making you Selfon by Olera, or filing for bankruptcy and vanishing faster than Toys R Us." I ended with a smile.

The CEO stared at me for a while with his jaw clenched. "Unification" he finally blurted out after what felt like hours of waiting. I smiled slightly "I will have the papers faxed over to your office immediately. This meeting is over." Everyone got up and left. The CEO walked over and gave me the folder "Can you please shred this?" "I can but I won't." "Fair answer. Look I didn't mean to underestimate you. I just heard that the CEO of Olera was amazing and did all these great thing and ultimately-" "You figured it was a man because a woman could never keep a business running this well for this long." He scratched the back of his head "Basically." I shrugged "It's fine. I am a pretty face that's a great negotiator anyways." I said with a smirk. He started turning red "No no. I just-." "It was a joke calm down. Thanks for the compliment. You aren't too bad yourself, looks wise." "Do you want me to take you to lunch to make up for this waste of time meeting?" "Hmm. You have a strong offer. I'll take it.." "Doyoung. My name is Doyoung. Yours is?" "Y/n." "Well Y/n. You um technically have my number and I have yours so I will call you later." "I have expensive taste." "How's Red Lobster?" I smiled "Perfect." "Great. Awesome. I will see you later Y/n." "See you later Doyoung." 

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