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"Singer/rapper Y/n Y/l/n has mysteriously gone missing after breaking down mid performance. Here's what a fan captured moments before she walked off stage." *Video: Stopping in the middle of performance "I'm sorry guys, I just can't do this anymore." Walks off.* "This is truly heartbreaking. You can see that she's deeply sad about something and she just breaks down on stage. Maybe it's the stress of being a successful performer or something personal that has happened in her life. Here's what some other celebrities and friends of Y/n had to say about it."

Arianna Grande: That whole performance was just amazing. But she was sad about something and I'm upset because we are very good friends and I have no clue as to what that was about. It's upsetting that I have to sit and watch someone who I am very close to just be in pain.
Drake: I don't personally know Y/n but I've seen a lot of her performances. We've met at events before and she seemed like a very happy and joyful person and it breaks my heart to see someone who is normally happy break down like that in front of thousands, maybe millions, of people.
NCT127: Mark: We were actually at her concert that day with some of our other band members from another unit and like you could like tell something was up like with the whole performance. Johnny: It was heartbreaking to see her like that. I wanted to just give her a huge hug. Taeyong: It was sad seeing her like that. *The rest of the group agreed with him* Mark: And when she said she couldn't do it anymore I got like really worried.
Kim Kardashian(💀): I was a huge fan of Y/n but now I'm not. This was very unprofessional, she could have still performed. It was dramatic. Crying is understandable but leaving the stage after people paid for your concert is scamming and shouldn't be condoned. She should get sued for every ticket wasted that night.
Jay Park: I'm just as surprised as everyone else. It's scary. I grew up with Y/n and she was always a happy kid. She's just also so damn talented and she has always kept it professional when it comes to music, not saying that this wasn't professional. In all honesty, there is no professionalism when you've been holding in emotions and not telling anyone about how your feeling because your gonna break and I think that's what happened on the stage. But I'm praying for her.

I turned the television off once I saw Xiaojun's face pop up. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and laid on the couch to take a nap. As soon as I closed my eyes I heard a knock at the door. "Ahh! What could anyone want right now?" I got up and opened it. It was Xiaojun with some flowers. "What?" "I came to apologize for what I did. It was wrong for me to continuously ignore you when you were hurting and cause you more pain but coming home late and leaving early in the morning. I shouldn't have messed around on you." I grabbed the flowers "So you think that some cheap ass flowers and sorry ass apology is gonna fix everything." "I- I don't know Y/n. I have to start somewhere." I threw the flowers at him "Start by leaving my house." "I'm trying to fix things with you. Why won't you let me? Y/n I miss you." Tears fell out of his eyes. "I miss you more thank you know. Please let me fix things with you. Please let me prove that I'm not a bad fiancé. I know that seeing my at your concert was the most heartbreaking shit after our argument a few days before but please. I need you." I didn't notice that I was crying until he was done talking. "I'm sorry Xiaojun. I just can't find it in my heart to forgive you for what you did. You heart me to the extend where I shouldn't have been hurt at all. I haven't cheated on you, yet you saw that it was necessary to do it because I was too busy for you. Consider yourself grateful that number 1, I didn't put your head through the wall and number 2, that I didn't give you back the engagement ring." "Does that mean we're not done?" "Only you can determine that with your actions. Until then please don't come to my house, I don't wanna break down again."

Few days later:
"We're back with some more information about Y/n, the singer/rapper that disappeared last week." "Yes Gayle, this time we were able to interview her fiancé and this is what he said." (A.n. R: reporter/interviewer X: Xiaojun)

R: So we were finally able to get a hold of you. What do you have to say about this whole thing?
X: Well first of I want to apologize to Y/n because I had cheated and I was just doing things and putting her through a lot. As everyone knows, she suffered a miscarriage and it poorly affected her body. I feel like I pressured her into having a baby so much that she couldn't handle the stress. There were times where I would almost blame her because of the miscarriage.
R: Wow I didn't know that all of this was going on. Are you saying that a main source of her stress and sadness is from you.
X: I'm saying that all of it is. I went to her house a few days ago to apologize but it didn't work out the way I intended to.
R: So are you guys calling off the engagement?
X: If I can prove to her that I'll change for her then no, we are still engaged. But I also wanna say that her condition is getting better and she is okay and in the safety of her home.

News: "Wow I would've never thought that something like that would happen to Y/n. I send my prayers to her. She doesn't deserve the mistreatment from her fiancé or the internet like she's been getting. Well we'll be back and when we do come back 'Does beef cause depression?' Stay tuned."

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