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Two gunshots rang through the house as I saw Ten's body hit the floor. I covered my mouth trying not to scream so they wouldn't catch me. "Y/n I know you're up here somewhere! Stop running from me. You know how much I hate playing hide n' seek." I looked around from under the table looking for Doyoung. I didn't see him so I quickly ducked from under the table and ran into one of the back rooms accidentally slamming the door. "Shit" I quietly cursed to myself. I looked around and noticed what room it was, Doyoung's weapon room. I grabbed the gun that I was most familiar with and the sash of bullets to go around my body along with three grenades. I took a hair tie out of my pocket and put my hair in a bun. When I was done looked in the mirror at myself "What has Doyoung done to me? I didn't know saying yes to dating him would get me into this, now I possibly have to kill the love of my life because he's trying to kill me." I felt tears sting my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. I heard another gunshot and this time it was at the door. I quickly put my gun up and aimed at the door so whoever was coming through there would immediately get shot. The door flew open and it was Taeyong. I cocked the gun and he put his hands up "Don't shoot Y/n. Please put the gun down." "No!" I slowly walked towards him "Every last one of you has been trying to kill me tonight." I inched closer "You killed Ten for trying to help me." "Those are just Doyoung's orders. We do what he says." "Fuck what he says." "But that's your fiancé." I rolled my eyes "Give me the walkie talkie." He shook his head "Why do you want it?" "I'm gonna talk to Doyoung. Give it to me." "No" "Taeyong, I'm only gonna say this once. I am not afraid to blow your head off right here and get it off your dead body. So give it." He slowly reached for his side and gave me the walkie talkie. I took it but still held the gun up to him just in case he tries to pull his out on me. I clicked the small button on the side "Doyoung." "Y/n? Is that you?" He called from the other side of the device. "Yes it is. Where's Amara?" "Our daughter is safe. I promise you." "Is she with you?" "Yes she is. I will keep her safe." "What do you want? Why are you trying to kill me?" "Why are you trying to leave?" "I told you, I don't want this life of crime that we're living. Don't you ever get fucking tired!" "We've been doing this together for years and you know, once you get in you can't leave unless it's by death. So you have your options." "What'll it take for me to be able to leave without dying?" "You don't! Do you not get this?" He sighed "My dad is here. He is not pleased." "Don't you think I know that you have the entire fucking mafia in this house?!" "Y/n, this is your father in law. You have an hour to figure out what you're gonna do: stay or leave." I thought about it for a while "Where are you guys?" "You'll have to come and find us. This will be a fun little game. Hurry now we don't want to have to make the decision for you." I gave the walkie talkie back to Taeyong and put the gun directly to his head "Where are they?" "I can't tell you." "Fine then don't tell me." I shot him in the stomach and walked out of the room. I looked in every room upstairs and didn't find them. As I was walking downstairs I saw Johnny sitting at the bottom. He saw me too and pointed his gun at me "Y/n I don't wanna have to do this." I flashed a smile "Then don't." I shot him in the chest and watched him fall to the ground. As I walked through downstairs I stepped over bodies and scoffed "Amateurs. Of course they don't know the tricks yet." I felt my mouth get covered and I got pulled into a room. I point my gun at the person and when the light turned on it was Doyoung, I still didn't take the gun down. "It's me. Just put it down." "Why should I? You've been trying to get me killed. Why shouldn't I kill you?" "Well I know you won't be yours in love with me and I won't kill you either. I'm not even the one that wants you killed, it's me father." I scoffed "How can I believe you?" "I swear it's him. I want you to get out of this life so you can be there for Amara when I end up dying because of it." I slowly put my gun down "Why would you end up dying?" "I was born into it, theres really no getting out. But I don't wanna end up like my father and I don't want you to end up like my mother and I don't want Amara to end up like me." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him "I have a feeling like I'm gonna die tonight, my father is probably going to kill me." Tears left my eyes "No no baby. Don't think like that please." He grabbed my arms to try to calm me down "And when he does kill me. I want you to kill him. To get you out of this." "What if it isn't him?" "I know it's going to be him." I broke down and fell on his shoulder crying. He lifted my face up after a while and kissed me, like it was his last time and I did the same. "Listen, I'll take you to where Amara is, but my guys are going to be there too. I told them already to not shoot you." We both left the room and he led me to where his father, our daughter and a few other of Doyoung's guys were. His father noticed me and stuffed his hands in his pockets "So, have you made your decision." "I'm leaving, but I'm not dying." I held my gun up to him "And I don't care who doesn't like it." "Really? Let's see what Doyoung has to say about this." He held his gun up and shot Doyoung. I screamed as his body hit the ground and Amara came running to him crying. I then shot too, hitting the right spot and making him fall to the ground. I dropped the gun and went to Doyoung's side "baby please. Please wake up." He groaned "Ah I think I'm dying. I see the light!" He slowly opened his eyes "I see an angel! I'm in heaven!" I grabbed him and hugged him tight and so did Amara. "Dad! You scared me. I thought you really died." "I'm sorry for all of this I didn't mean to hurt my princesses." I noticed that his stomach was shot. "You got yourself hurt in the process. You need to see a doctor right now." We both helped him up and called an ambulance and the police. "Wait mom, why did you call the cops too?" "I think that it's time to put an end to all of this." I took the bullet sash off and put the grenades on the table. "Somebody please give me a lighter." Doyoung got one out of his pocket. I opened it and threw it. Instantly setting everything on fire. Just then the police and ambulance were heard outside. I help Doyoung out the house as we all watched the hell hole that's been lived in by this mafia for decades burn down. Me and Amara walked over to Doyoung as they put him on the stretcher and into the ambulance "What a sight isn't it?" "Almost like watching our freedom finally happen." "Y/n, we should move somewhere else. Maybe California, somewhere where there's lots of beaches. Maybe we can have a beach house and another kid." I smiled and grabbed his hand "Maybe we should. But for now let's work on getting you better." They had finally put him in the ambulance "I'll follow you to the hospital okay?" "Okay. I love you so much y/n." "I love you more." They closed the doors. "Come on Amara. Let's go with daddy to the hospital so they can fix him up." We got in the car and followed the ambulance. Halfway down the road I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the house burning in flames. I smiled knowing that we were finally free.

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