Old Friends

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I looked up when I heard thunder rumble through the sky. "Really?!" I groan and keep walking. Rain comes pouring down and I start to get soaked. "Great! Just what I needed."Tears formed in my eyes as Johnny's words replayed in my mind "I'm done with this. You need to go. All you do is spend my hard earned money on a bunch of bullshit that you don't even need. Leave everything, I'm returning it. It belongs to me anyways."  I saw a bus stop so I went and sat on the bench. I looked at my phone and the time read 1:27 AM. I started crying as loud as I could since no one else was around. After 10 minutes of me crying, I heard noises on the sidewalk so I stopped crying. I looked to my side and saw a man walking down the sidewalk. Once he got to the bus stop he sat down on the opposite side of the bench. "You do know that there's not gonna be a bus here for a good few hours right?" I crossed my arms "So what are you doing here?" "Me? I don't need a bus. I let my feet take me where they wanna take me." He looked over at me "You must be new to this area." "I'm not new. I've been here for a few years now." "Then you should know that there's no bus coming for a while." "I don't usually take the bus." "Hmm. Fair I guess." I stared at him for a while "I think I know you." He shook his head "You don't know me. No one does." I scooted a little closer to him "Well someone should know you. You aren't a fetus." He chuckled "I like to keep myself lowkey. I don't wanna be in the spotlight." "I do know you." I gasped "I went to highschool with you. Yuta?" "Yep that's me. I didn't know that anyone remembered me." "I'm surprised it took me so long to even recognize you. You probably don't remember me I'm-" "Y/n Y/l/n. I sat next to you for three years. Freshman Bio, Sophomore year history, and Senior year Physics. You look the same. Beautiful that is." I looked down "Thank you. You are like wow. Amazing. I mean you were amazing in high school." "I get what you're saying. I grew into my looks." He scooted to where we were right next to each other "You're soaking wet." "O-oh. Yeah." He grabbed my hand and stood up "Let's go to my apartment. It's warm there. And not far." I stood up and walked with him to his apartment, which was really close.

Once he opened the door the warm air hit me and it felt so nice. His apartment was huge and beautifully decorated. "Shower is third door on the left. Do you want sweatpants or just a shirt?" "Um-" "Don't start. We always hung out when we went to school together. Don't forget, I took your virginity." I felt myself heat up as I went to the shower. There were towels already in the bathroom so I just got in the shower. When I got out, I wrapped a towel around my body "Yuta!" He slightly opened the door "Yes?" "Clothes?" "Just go in the bedroom. I put the shirt on the bed. The door with a 'Y' on it." I turned around to the door that I stared at while I was in the shower. I walked over to it and opened it. Before me was a huge room, bigger than Johnny and I's shared room. "So that's where this leads." I saw the shirt on the bed and I quickly changed into it. As I was leaving Yuta came in the room "Come sit and talk." I sat on the bed and he laid down "You can lay down too." I hesitantly laid down and he pulled me on top of his chest. For some reason I wasn't uncomfortable at all. "Does this bring back memories Y/n?" I snapped from my thoughts and looked at Yuta "Hmm?" "The nights where we would just hang out and we would lay in this same position." I smiled recalling those nights "Yeah." 

"So what's the tea? You know, with you and what's his face. The boy that took you to prom." "Johnny?" "Yeah him." "I mean we dated after high school. Because of him I wasn't able to get a college degree. Didn't go to school for nursing like I wanted to. He told me that he would take care of everything and all I had to do was 'be pretty'. He told me that I could get the finest of things that I wanted." Yuta hummed "So did he cheat?" I giggled "He kicked me out for spending money to get the finest of things that I wanted. Shopping is a coping mechanism for me." He raised an eyebrow "What happened?" "I lost my mom a year ago and I still trying to grieve. When it first happened, Johnny wasn't there like I wanted him to be. I needed him so many nights but he wasn't there so I just shopped to forget about things. I bought very expensive things and I regret it but there's nothing I can do now." Yuta pulled up to him and cuddled me "I'm so sorry. I had no idea that she passed away. I would've sent a DM on Instagram or something. And just forget about him. He didn't really love you the way he said he did." "No, he loved me. I just never loved him. I was gonna break up with him but it didn't work out the way I intended." "That's how life is. Nothing is ever expected. Like tonight, I didn't expect to run into you." "Neither did I." "So are you permanently out of his house. You can stay here if you need it." "I am but I'll stay with my family." "No. What kind of friend would I be if I made you stay with family that's probably halfway across town?" I shrugged "I guess not a good one." "Right. I'm gonna go make dinner. Probably just chicken, you want some?" I nodded "Sure." He headed for the door. "Wait Yuta." He turned and faced me "What's up?" "I'm glad I ran into you today." He smiled "I'm glad I ran into you too."

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