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"Y/n. Can you go fix Winwin's makeup please?" I looked at the other makeup artist "What about Lucas?" "I'll take over with him." You put the brush down and smiled at Lucas. "Do you have to go do it?" "Yes I do. But I'll be back. I'm only fixing it." I went to the room where Winwin was and he was sitting in the makeup chair on his phone. It's been a little awkward between us since last week. I walked over to him and he looked up at me "O-oh. Hey Y/n." "Hey. I'm just here to fix your makeup." "Okay." He smiled at me. I picked up the the brush and started fixing where it messed up. "Y/n, why don't you talk to me like you talk to Lucas?" "What? I talk to all of you guys equally." "No you don't. You hang out with Lucas outside of you doing out makeup." "I hang out with all of you but you don't even pay attention to me." "Yes I do." I chuckled "I don't see it sooo you don't." He rolled his eyes "If that's what you think." "That's what I know. It's been awkward between us since that incident." "I couldn't help but look. They were right there." "You could've closed your eyes. You acted like you haven't seen boobs before." "They were RIGHT there in front of me. Like right now." I shook my head "Then close your eyes." "I don't have a problem with them." "Then don't complain." "Not complaining." I was done with fixing it and I put the brush down. I turned back around and Winwin was standing in front of me "You're short." "You're mean." "We're alone." I looked around "Hmm. I guess so." He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back. He lifted me up and put me on the table. After a few seconds I heard my name being called. I pulled away "I have to go." "Not right now. Remember you're supposed to be fixing my makeup." "But I'm done." He pouted "Just five minutes." "They're gonna know something is up. I don't take that long to do makeup on you guys." "Well tell them that you messed up." He helped me down from the table. "You really wanna kiss don't you?" "Duh." I giggled and whispered in his ear "Come over later." I rubbed my hand up from his thigh to his crotch and pulled away. "You are such a tease Y/n." I shrugged "Maybe. Now I actually have to go." I said as I walked away. "Wait, you're gonna leave me with hard like this?" "I have to. You have to go on stage." "You're gonna get it later on."

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