Full of Surprises

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I sighed heavily as a laid down on my bed. My mom came to my door "You done packing yet?" I sat up "I just finished unfortunately" She sat on the bed next to me "Listen I know you don't want to leave but New York University wanted you to go to their school." "I know that but I told Jaemin two days ago and I haven't heard anything from him since." "He's probably just trying to get his thoughts together about what he wants to do." "Mom. Jaemin wants to break up." "How do you know that? Did he say that?" "Not with words but his actions are enough." My phone started ringing and it was Jaemin. I picked the phone up quickly "Hey Jaemin." "Hey. How about we go somewhere today?" I looked at my mom with wide eyes "Why not? I have nothing else better to do." "Good. I'm outside come on." "Oh okay but I think I should change my clothes." "No just throw some shoes on and come outside. What you have on is fine. I'm outside in my car." "Okay" I hung the phone up.

"So what did he say?" "He's outside and he wants me to go out there." "Shouldn't you change?" "He said not to just put shoes on." "Well why are you still sitting here? Put some shoes on and go!" I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone, keys, and purse and rushed downstairs. "Bye mom! Bye dad! I'm going out!" I opened the door and Jaemin was standing there with flowers in his hand and a smile on his face "Hey beautiful. Ready to go? And these are for you." He held the flowers out and I took them "Thanks." This felt familiar, I wonder if I was having deja vu or something but this moment felt very familiar to me. I put the flowers on the table next to the door and left. Jaemin jogged to the door of the passengers side and opened it "Your chariot awaits." "Why thank you." I got in the car and he closed the door and got in the drivers seat. "This is my dads car and I have to return it to him the same way I got it." 

"Jaemin-" "Shh. No questions just fun and put your seatbelt on." I put my seatbelt on and Jaemin started driving. "Where are we going?" "I said no questions." I looked over at him "Boy who do you think you're talking to?" He smiled "I'm sorry." "What is wrong with you child?" "So y/n what is your favorite color?" He said while locking our fingers together. "I love the baby blue" I started tracing the veins in his hand causing him to chuckle. "What's your favorite band?" "Super Juni- you know the answers to these questions already. Why are you asking?" "No reason just making conversation." "Okay weirdo." After about 15 minutes of driving we stopped at some diner.

Jaemin parked the car and turned it off. "Wait don't get out yet." He got out the car and jogged to my side and opened the door "Okay now you can get out." I got out the car and he closed the door behind me. Man this really felt really familiar, like it happened already. Jaemin took my hand in his and we walked inside. "Jaemin where are we?" "Only the best place in west California." Jisung's dad came up to us "Hello. How many?" "A booth for 2 please." "Okay great follow me." We followed him to where we were sitting and sat down. "Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" "A strawberry milkshake, two straw please." Jisung's dad walked away and I looked at Jaemin suspiciously. "Jaemin be honest with me. Are you on drugs?" "What why?" "We haven't shared a drink in 2 years on our fir-" It then hit me, he was recreating our very first date. He smiled at me "You get it now." 

"Jaemin" I sat next to him and placed a long kiss on his lips "I love you so much." Then I punched his arm "I also hate you for not contacting me in 2 days." "This is what I was doing and practicing for the past two days. I decided that since your going away then I should do something special for you. I had remembered how you would always talk about how much you loved our first date so I decided that this would be very romantic." I hugged him tight. "I'm not done yet." I looked up at him "Huh?" "I also decided that we should be together for the rest of out lives so I got a one-way plane ticket to New York for the both of us." "Jaemin are you lying. Please don't be lying to me." I felt tears sting my eyes. "No I'm not. And let me get out for a few seconds." I scooted out and let Jaemin get out and sat back down. "And to make sure that you stay with me forever and not leave." He got down on one knee and took out a little black box. Tears started streaming down my face.

 He opened the box "I want to grow old with you y/n and have kids. That can only be possible if you say yes. I know we're only 18 but I felt like this needed to be done as soon as possible. Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?" "Yes yes yes. Yes times a million." He slid the ring on my finger and got off his knee. He placed a long kiss on my lips and sat across from me "I love you so much." "I love you too."


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