12 AM

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I watched Mark's car pull up to the house. I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for him to walk through the door. After what felt like forever, I heard the keys in the door and it swung open. He turned the light on and jumped when he saw me, automatically reaching for his phone. "It's just me, no need to call 911." "Yeah that's why I'm reaching for it. Why are you here? How the hell did you get in?" I stood up and walked to the kitchen "You should probably put a spare key somewhere else besides under the mat."  I said as I tossed the key on the counter. "You're only supposed to come over for emergencies." "This is my house, I can come over when I want." Mark walked close to me making me a little nervous.

I haven't been this close to him in a while, I forgot how tall he was compared to me. "You can't just come over like this, unannounced. At 12 in the morning." "I've been here since 11:30 thank you very much. What's wrong? Do you have a girl that I'm not supposed to see in here?" "Obviously not." "And why would that be obvious Markie-pooh?" Mark groaned at the terrible nickname. "You know that you're the only girl in my heart Y/n." "Oh please." I pushed him away and got a soda from the fridge. "You don't believe it?" "Not one bit." "Well aren't I the only guy in your heart?" I shrugged and took a sip of my soda "Maybe." 

Mark took a piece of cake out of the freezer. "You're so weird. Who keeps cake in the freezer?" "For your information, this cake was the last slice that we had before you broke my heart as terribly as you did." I rolled my eyes "Why do you have it?" "Just in case you came over and were hungry. I'm surprised that you didn't snoop around." "No what the fuck, I'm not that crazy." Mark took his finger and wiped it across the cake "Yeah you are." he took the same finger and wiped it on my nose. "Ahh you play too much." I did the same thing to him but he moved so there was a white line going across his face. Looking at what I did made me laugh like crazy. Mark squirted whipped cream on me and he laughed at the mess. "Maarrk. This was a new shirt." "Better go buy a new one." He said while laughing. "That's not funny." I took the whole cake and smashed it in his face "Haha." "You're gonna pay for that one." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah you are." Mark put whipped cream in his hand and started reaching for my face but I dodged him, making him almost fall over. I caught him, sort of. "Don't die on me." I didn't notice at first but our faces were pretty close. Mark inched closer and so did I.

"WHY is it so LOUD down here?!" We both pulled away from each other. I turned around and saw Mark's roommate that he's been telling me about. His roommate looked at me "You look like the girl in those photos upstairs. I can't tell from the amount of frosting and whipped cream on you. Anyways, I'm Johnny." I smiled "I'm Y/n. You've probably heard some weird things about me." "Yeah like breaking and entering." I punched Mark's arm "It's not breaking and entering if I have a key dumbass." "Actually Mark talks about you a lot, all good things I swear." "Johnnyy you aren't supposed to boost her ego." Johnny rolled his eyes "Man up Mark and clean up. There's cake all over your face." 

Mark grabbed a dish towel that was hanging over the sink and wiped his face "Happy now." I chuckled "Not at all, you made it worse." "Not funny. Okay Johnny, you can go back to sleep. Y/n is going home." I crossed my arms "I am home. I'm not going back to my moms house. It's an hour away." "Welp I'm going to sleep. You two sort this out, quietly this time." "Kk. Goodnight Johnny." I waved as he walked up the steps. "Fine, you can stay in my room. I'll sleep on the couch." I grabbed Mark's hand and went up the stairs "We're sleeping in your room. Together, in the same bed. And we're having sex." Mark stopped at the door "What?" "Kidding. Unless you want to.." He opened the door and lifted me up and closed the door behind us "Hell yeah I do." 

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