
343 10 1

*1 AM*

Renjun's POV

The slanted words in the story are his thoughts


I heard my phone ring for the third time. I grabbed it and answered it without looking at the contact name "What?!" "Hey Renjun." I sighed "Why are you calling me y/n?" "Can you just please come open the door?" I hung up and shuffled through my apartment and opened the door. Standing there was a soaking wet y/n. I sighed "Give me a good reason why you call me at 1 in the morning and show up at my door so-" She interrupted me by kissing me. I fell into it but a backed up when I came back to reality. "I-I'm sorry Renjun. I just miss you." 'Don't do it Renjun. She's only gonna break your heart again' "Y/n.. can we not do this, again?" I heard thunder and noticed how heavy it was raining outside "Come inside before you catch a cold." She came in and I closed the door. We both went in the living room. "Renjun, I know I've hurt you alot, too much, but I really do miss you. I don't think I can survive without you. I just don't know how to handle myself sometimes and I get crazy and I really don't mean to keep breaking your heart. I'm working on myself to make us better." I looked into y/n's eyes and I could see that she was really sorry, or maybe that was me wanting her to be. "You say this everytime and then you turn around and break my heart. I really don't know. And I'm a complete dumbass for letting you back in so easy. Just.. just get out of those clothes and go take a shower." She sat there for a while. "I'm serious. Go take a shower, your soaking wet. If you stay in them any longer your gonna get sick and I care about you so go." She got up and went in the bathroom. I went in my room and took out one of my shirts for her hearing the water in the bathroom turn on. I then went in the kitchen and made her favorite ramen with some hot tea. I put her food on the bed tray and took it in the room. "Renjun! Can you come here?" I grabbed the shirt and went in the bathroom "What's wrong?" "Do you still have the purple blow dryer?" I softly chuckled and leaned again the sink "Yeah, I do." "Okay thank you." She started humming making me smile, I really missed her but I promised myself and my friends that I wouldn't go back to her. "Oh yeah and your clothes are right here." She peaked her head out of the shower and I held up the shirt." "Thanks." I picked her wet clothes off the floor and put them in the washing machine. 'Should I let her stay? Just for tonight? ' I shook the thoughts out of my head and went in my room and saw y/n already under the covers, she looked so fucking cute. She was basically gulping down the ramen I made. "There's more if you want it." She looked up at me and laughed "No, I'm okay. I was just a little hungry." She put the bed tray on the side table and I climbed in the bed next to her. Y/n snuggled into my chest "I'm really sorry for waking you up at 1 in the morning." "It's fine." I rubbed my legs against hers and they felt weird so I pulled the covers down. I saw bruises all over her legs. She pulled the covers back up "Stop. Don't do that." "How many are on your body?" "That doesn't matter." She turned over and I lifted the shirt up and saw bruises on her back. She pulled it back down and sat up "Renjun. Stop!" "Is he doing this to you?" She was silent "I don't wanna talk about it." She went back under the covers. I pulled y/n to me and wrapped my arms around her. I heard thunder again and saw lighting making y/n jump into my chest. I laughed "Your still scared of the thunder?" "That's not funny. Alot of people are scared of the thunder and lightning and I didn't wanna leave the house because of it." "If you knew it was like this outside, why did you come over?" "Because.. love has no limits and Renjun, I love you alot." I kissed her forehead "I love you too." "Can you play music to help me fall asleep?" "Mm-hm." I turned my speaker on a low volume and played the instrumental version of Back 2 U because it helps her fall asleep. 'I knew it. Here we are again in this situation. I just hope it lasts longer than usual, maybe forever. Who knows? I'm just gonna enjoy it while I can. ' I looked down and saw y/n sleeping and kissed her forehead. I slowly fell asleep to the sound of the rain.


Wtf is this. Anyways should I make a part 2?

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