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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock "Ugh shut up!" I turned it off and sat up I went in the bathroom and showered and brushed my teeth. When I got out I threw some jeans and a hoodie on and ran downstairs to grab my bag. My mom was in the kitchen making something, probably some weird vegan breakfast "Hey mom. What you making?" "Avocado and Heirloom Tomato Toast with Balsamic Drizzle." "Wow sounds delicious. Man I wish I could eat it but I'm not hungry and I'm late." "I know that you don't like this stuff. I put money in your bag last night for breakfast and lunch." Somebody knocked on the door "Uh why is somebody at the door at 7 in the morning?" "Go get it y/n." I opened the door and some asian boy was at the door "Sorry we didn't order any food." I said while making hand motions. "I-" I closed the door and my mom came to over to me "Who was it?" "Some asian delivery guy. I didn't even know that they were open this early." My mom walked past me and opened the door and he was still standing there "Hi Jungwoo. She'll be ready in a minute." He nodded and smiled, it was kinda cute. "How do you know him? Are you doing the deed with him?" "Y/n stop. That's Jungwoo." I gave her a confused look. "Jungwoo. The boy that I told you just moved in next door and goes to your school and me and his mom set up for you guys to walk to and from school everyday." "Ohhhh. Him okay. But can I pretend to be sick just for today? I didn't prepare." She opened the door "Go." "But-" "Are you about to challenge me?" "No ma'am." "Then go. Love you bye." "Love you too." She closed the door behind me. We started walking "I'm sorry about closing the door like that." "It's okay." "And if I offended you in any-" "It's okay. You didn't offend me. Sorry for interrupting you." He was so shy and friendly. "It's okay. So your name is Jungwoo?" "Kim Jungwoo. And your y/n y/l/n." "So your from Korea?" "Yeah." "How was it living there?" "It was pretty cool but not as cool as here." "What made you come here?" "The school opportunities are really good here and my best friend said that he lived here for 4 years so I thought 'why not try it'. So far I'm liking it." "I've been here all my life so I don't really know what I think about it." He mumbled something. "Hmm. I didn't hear you sorry. I physically can barely hear anything anymore." "Oh. Have you told your mom? It would be really bad if you lost your hearing and you wouldn't be able to communicate with people but if you lost it I would teach both of us sign language so we can communicate." He was such a dork but in a cute way. "No no no. I'm not actually going deaf but it's something that I say alot because sometimes I can't hear people." "Oh. Sorry." "No it's fine. You didn't know." "Your really pretty." He said then turned away shyly. "Thanks. Your cute too." "Thank you." I looked up and saw that we were already there "Well we're here now." "Oh okay. I'll catch up with you later." "Uh give me your number so I can find you during lunch so we can hang out." "Okay." He put his number in my phone. "Thank you. I'll see you later." "Bye." 

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